This week we will learn about rivers, counting with dice, sound _ay, _ing, and long vowel sound.

A few of the books we used this week

Writing the memory verse

Discussed how when kittens are first born they are very weak and fragile and need their mother's care and protection to survive. There are times when we feel weak and scared, those are the times we need our family and friends to help us feel better. God is always there for us no matter what we are going through. He is our strength and protector.

We all someone who are like the porcupines that always have their wall up and won't let anyone get close to them. They don't trust anyone and are always on the defense making hard for them to make friends. We need to be kind to people and talk to them the way God would want us to. Words have a strong impact on everyone, you can either bring someone up or tear them down. God wants us to have happy, loving, friendly heart. Show others God's love.

Learned that pigeons can be trained to carry messages which are called delivery birds. Pigeons are very trustworthy birds, they normally come back to their real home, making it easy for a bird trainer to trust they will return. God wants us to be trustworthy, we should keep our promises. Making us more like him, God is faithful and we can always depend on him. BIBLE VERSE
Memory Verse: Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
~Proverbs 12:18
Gentle words bring life and health.
~Proverbs 15:4 a
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind, but you destroy yourself when you are cruel.
~Proverbs 11:17
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.
~Psalm 37:5

Number of the day

Sight words practice and learning about the sound _ay

Sound of long vowel i _ing

Sound of long vowels

Working on the sight words to and do, I'm so proud of how well she has come along with her reading.

Addition using dice

More addition practice

Graphing practice

Subtraction worksheet

Last day of the week marked day 40, then we counted the beans on the popsicle sticks by 10s.

Addition worksheet

Review of part 3 of abstract art

Drawing/copying things she sees and learning to draw birds.

Learning how to use words of healing instead of words that hurt

Learning about the many different styles or fashion clothes in the Bible Times

Played with water while the kids were outside. Top right picture I used the water to stimulate a waterfall, right picture is Kanani pretending to jump off a waterfall to go down into the pond.

We have been reviewing colors with little man this week, so Kanani wanted to do the same activity as he was.

Went and took my mom to the airport with my dad and the kids got a chance to some planes. Always pretty exciting to see the airplanes land and take off.

Learning about river flow by observing the water flow in the streets from the rain.

Studying the rivers, streams, and oceans

In the teacher's manual it suggested for us to use a carton but all we had on was a milk jug. It actually worked pretty good, after poking some holes on the bottom had Kanani measure to 3" for the gravel and another 3" for the sand so we would know how much to put in the jug.

The jug was to big to place on top of a glass cup so we used one of the kids pails to hold the water as it filtered through the sand and gravel. We weren't completely sure that it would work but it worked out great.

Made a pretend pond with a waterfall (slide) to where the kids slide down to jump into.
By: Ilan Shamir
Go with the flow
Immerse yourself in Nature
Slow Down and Meander
Go around Obstacles
Be thoughtful of those Downstream
Stay Current
The Beauty is in the Journey!
Video on why Rivers Curve on YouTube

Went to the library for our weekly story and craft time, this week we talked about the Olympics.

Kids enjoyed several stations of different games

After the games the kids made their own Olympic torches

Displaying their torches

When to run some errands and they wanted to wear their capes while we were out. Felt really safe with my two cute superheroes by my side.

What better way to end the week then have a beautiful butterfly land on your finger.
This week has been a fun week learning new sounds, exploring how people used to dress in the bible times, some addition and subtraction, discovering new ways to draw, and learning about how rivers, ponds, and stream are formed. Now unto week 11 and see what new adventures we will discover.
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
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