MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 11
This week we will learn about Jesus the giver of living water, President George Washington, Delaware, water, Russia and Peter the Great, Persia, Ottoman Empire, Insect Metamorphosis, Arachnids, and Crustaceans.
Few of the books we used this week.
James 1:1-19
James 2:1-4
Genesis 8:6-9
Isaiah 40:28-31
Matthew 3:13-17
Food from Heaven and Water from a Rock Bible Reader Cards.
Language Arts
Worked on spelling, writing, reading, definition, and writing paragraphs.
Worked on conversion, fraction, addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Didn't take much pictures this week, was too busy studying with the kiddos.
K added Peter the Great Czar of Russia to her timeline.
We read about Russia and Peter the Great, Persia: Ottoman Empire, Russia Peter's Port to the West, the Persian Puzzle, Turkey. Also read about President Washington and Delaware.
Studied about Insect Metamorphosis, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Wet and dry, did some bird watching, dug up some earth worms, and studied all about the parts of birds.
Filled a container with green peas then added some water to see how much it would absorb. Kids thought it was neat to see how it went up over the container.
Results of our sugar crystals from last week.
Placed some salt on a piece of cucumber to see what would happen to it, it stayed the same after 2 hours.
Made a sugar tower and then added some water to the bottom to see how fast it would melt, which was faster than we imagined.
Lesson #201 Portraits Young and Old
Listened to The Best of Tchaikovsky, the Best of Mendelssohn, and Yankee Doodle.

Field trip
This week was national son and daughter day, blessed to have these two in our lives. They have brought so much joy and happiness to our lives.
Went to Greenbrier State Park in Maryland, one of the kids favorite places to go, the weather and water were perfect.
This week we learned about Jesus the giver of living water, President George Washington, Delaware, water, Russia and Peter the Great, Persia, Ottoman Empire, Insect Metamorphosis, Arachnids, and Crustaceans. We got to enjoy some fun in the sun and water, great way to end the summer. Now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 3
MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 4
MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 5
MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 6
MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 7
MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 8
MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 9