Sunday, August 29, 2021

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 7

MFW:  Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 7

This week we will continue to our lesson on Jesus being the bread of life, Elijah, the last supper, the prodigal son, our studies of the book of James, Gustavus Adolphus, John Bunyan, and the Calerts and the land of refuge.  We will also read on the Thirty Years' War, Charles loses his head, Cromwell's Protectorate, plague and fire, Lord Baltimore, the great lakes, and American Pioneers and Patriots.  Also learn more about yeast, bread, canoes, all things about fish, archerfish, and Baroque and Vivaldi.


Here are few of the books we used this week, not all books are pictured.


John 6:35

1 Kings 17:8-16

Luke 22:7-20

James 1:12-18

Bible Reader Cards: The Last Supper and The Prodigal Son 

Elijah Bible Reader Card 

Added the bread to our napkin holder to remind us Jesus is the the bread of Life.

Language Arts 

Lots of reading, handwriting practice, writing paragraphs, short stories, spelling, proof reading, and vowel sounds.


Worked on fractions, division, multiplications, addition, and subtraction.


Nothing was added to the timeline this week.


We read about The Thirty Years' War, how Charles lost his head, Cromwell's Protectorate, the plague and fire in England, the protage, the Pioneers from France, the power of the Habsburgs, the peace pipe, Detroit, John Bunyan, ,Kings, Cavaliers, and Roundheads.


We studied all about fish and their difference, sharks, archerfish, yeast, made some homemade soft clay, bread, and did several experiments with yeast.

Homemade Soft Clay

Observing what happens to yeast with you add sugar and water.

Making bread


Worked on drawing with pen and ink, more on lines, illustrating a story, shading, and drawing a farm.


Reviewed some of the great composers: Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, Hayden, Mosart, and Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Chopin.  Listened  to a variety of their music and talked a little about their history.

Patriotic Songs of the U.S.A. #2 America 

Watched a video from Varsity Tutors on "Explore the world of dinosaurs with the Royal Tyrrell Museum: Clement the Science Educator". 

Field trip 

Went to PetSmart to observe several fish and even came home with a new addition.  Got a male Veiltail Betta and the kids named him Bartholomew Theodoneis Franklin the 3rd.  He is so active and a great addition to our family.  Got to enjoy the pool a lot this week, the weather was perfect and the water wasn't too cold.  Trying to enjoy the pool as much as we can before fall arrives.


This week we continued our lesson on Jesus being the bread of life, Elijah, the last supper, the prodigal son, our studies of the book of James, Gustavus Adolphus, John Bunyan, and the Calerts and the land of refuge.  We also read on the Thirty Years' War, Charles loses his head, Cromwell's Protectorate, plague and fire, Lord Baltimore, the great lakes, and American Pioneers and Patriots.  Studied more about yeast, bread, canoes, all things about fish, archerfish, and Baroque and Vivaldi.  Also added a new member to our family, a betta fish which the kids call Bartholomew Theodoneis Franklin the 3rd, such a big name for a little fish.  He is one of the most active betta we've had.  Great addition to our family, kids love to sit next to his tank and read stories to him and talk to him.  Now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.  


MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 3

 MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 4

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 5 

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 6

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