This week we will learn about the ocean, trusting in God, oo sound, aw sound, review the vowels, work on subtraction, and learn about the sections in a book.

These books were all awesome and some we will be reusing next week.

Writing her memory verse

We need to follow the warnings that God has given us in the bible, just like when the rattlesnake shakes its tail before biting. Need to stay away from lying, stealing, being selfish, and from being mean to others.

Sometimes we go through things in our lives that we don't understand, but through those times there is one thing that we can depend on is GOD. He will always be there for us through the good and the bad, we need to trust in him. He has promised to never leave us.

God doesn't want us to ever give up, for he will never give up on us. He wants us to succeed in life and keep moving forward.
Memory Verse: The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.
~Proverbs 12:22
A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
~Proverbs 22:3
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
~Romans 8:28
We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit.
~2 Corinthians 4:8

Working on the sound oo

Started our weather chart this week, which we will continue for the next 4 weeks.

Working on the aw sound and the animal tale worksheet

Vowel review

Instead of working on a worksheet I wrote her words on a dry erase board which she would erase after she would read them correctly.

We went over the sections of the bible reader: title, author, table of contents, page number, sections of a book. She was very excited that we finally got a chance to use the bible reader.

Started the day off with the number of the day

She loved the fact that she was able to eat her math work today. We used goldfish for addition and subtraction.

Subtraction worksheet and enjoying the goldfish crackers while working on her subtractions.

We were suppose to use the restaurant and store cards for Kanani to practice her subtraction with her restaurant and store. Instead she wanted to use her subtraction cards that we had on hand. She enjoyed this activity so much.

She was so excited to have gotten all her answers correct.

Since this week we are learning about the ocean I thought I'd add the story of Jonah and the Whale. We have done this lesson before but it was a nice review.

She made her own ocean theme using some ocean stickers we had leftover from a previous project.

Working step by step on drawing a bear

This time we worked on step by step process on drawing a umbrella, she was getting very frustrated with drawing it so I drew the umbrella using the dot to dot method.

Practicing their lace and trace with some ocean animals.

Put together a shaving cream sensory tub for the kids with some ocean animals in the shaving cream. They both really enjoyed discovering the animals and then cleaning them off.

Building some puzzles while talking about the different oceans on our beautiful planet Earth.

Learned that the Bible is a letter from God, to go with the lesson she chose to write a letter to my dad. He was very excited to receive her letter, it made his week.

Made the kids two sensory bottles, small one for Dartanian and the bigger one for Kanani. Used water beads in water, its very relaxing to watch the beads float in the water.

Chose a fish for our pattern block activity

After reading about Oceans from our Science book we observed some sea shells we had from when we went to the beach last summer.

Went through our animal bin and separated all the sea animals. Once she had all the sea animals she then proceeded to separate them into groups and matched some of the cards with the groups.

To go along with our devotion on turtles we reviewed the turtle life cycle.
By: Meish Goldfish
Sand at the beach,
Sand at the shore.
Sand in the ocean
On the ocean floor.
Sand in the desert,
Sand on the ground.
Sand in a sandstorm
Blowing around!
Sand from rock that has
Crumbles into grains
Sand in a sand dune
Shaped by winds and rains.
Sand on an island
Sand in the sea
Sand in a sandbox
For you and me!

Watched Octonauts Season 1 Episode 20 about some ocean levels

No Ocean lesson isn't complete unless you watch Finding Nemo, next we need to watch Finding Dory, we also learned about Jonah and then watched the Veggie Tales version of Jonah. Also learned about Oceans by watching some videos from Brain Pop app.

Since we couldn't go to the beach I took them to the pool to celebrate ocean week.

They love the water, our little mermaid and merman.

Her favorite thing to do was jumping in the pool

She got really high this time

I usually put our library trip under field trip but since we went to the pool I figured I would put it at the End of the Week activity. Today the kids enjoyed learning some Yoga moves with Mrs. Emily.

Craft time: using only heart shapes to make figures or pictures

They all did an awesome job completing their craft.
It has been a very great week, especially when I surprised the kids with going to the pool since we couldn't go to the beach. Learned so much about about the ocean, miss living by the beach. Next week we will continue our studies on the ocean but will also learn about the animals in the ocean. Excited to see what new adventures we will have next week.
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
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