This week we will learn about the books of 1 + 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and about contraction, apostrophe, long vowel a spelled al, ow and ou sound. Start our timeline and learn about Adam and Eve (sad day), Cain and Abel, and learn about stars and the solar system.

Several wonderful books we used this week

Practice writing her memory verse

A Sad Day (the 1st sin)

Horses need to be trained in order for them to be able to be to help us out if not they will continue to be wild which can't help anyone. Just like they need to be trained so do we. We aren't born polite and helpful we are taught to be. God knows that we needed help to learn these things so he sent us people in our lives to teach us these ways.

Cain and Abel

Descendants of Adam
MV: He who scorns instruction will pay for it, he who respects a command is rewarded.
~Proverbs 13:13
~Genesis 3
Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do.
~Ephesians 6:1
~Genesis 4:1-16
~Genesis 5:3-6:1

1 Chronicles tells the story again of the 12 tribes of Israel, King Saul, and King David.

2 Chronicles tells more about King Solomon and the kings in Judah.

Ezra was a leader who returned to Jerusalem to help the Jewish people rebuild the temple.

Nehemiah was a leader who returned to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

Learning about contraction and apostrophe

Working on sight words and the long a sound al

Working on some reading and writing

Spelling, Reading, and Writing practice

Number of the day

Completed our weather chart and then graphed the results

Graphed a bag of skittles

More graphing practice

Graphing with animal crackers

Lots of graphing worksheets this week

Looked up the painting of the "STARRY NIGHT", which is a painting of Vincent van Gogh's view from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Remy-de Provence, just before sunrise, with an idealized village.

This week we started using "Enjoying Art Together Art Cards". I let her pick the card and she picked the first one "Springendes Pferd by Franz Marc".

After discussing several painting and the artist she wanted to create her own painting "Happy Day".

Their hand paintings

Excited to have officially started our Timeline, I laminated the scroll worksheets and the pictures which we colored before hand. Use velcro dots to keep the pictures in place and that way the kids can take off and try to place them in the correct order whenever we are done.

We downloaded an app called Bible for Kids for the kids to learn about the bible. It goes perfect with the bible lessons we are learning. She is watching the video on the First Sin, it also has activities for them to do throughout the story and at the end a question for them to see if they understood the lesson.

Made some Salt Dough to use for our Bible map

My dad gave us a board for us to use for our map, I covered it with regular computer paper and then covered the paper with tape. Outlined the map so we would know where to place the clay now to wait for it to dry to paint it.

All that's left is to label it

The finished project

Built a village, such great imagination

Used this Lithograph Set to show the kids pictures of the solar system while talking a little about each planet, stars, solar system, and much more. Also got out our Solar System that we had done several years ago.

Had a lot of left over salt dough so we decided instead of trying to make circles out of contruction paper for the sizes of the planets for the "Relative Size of the Planets" experiment. Still talked about the different sizes and compared them. Now to wait for them to dry to paint our planets.

Painting the planets

After they were done painting the planets they started painting their hands

Having a wonderful time painting the planets and each other.

Did the "Relative Distance of Planets" experiments, by measuring the floor and placing a tag with the name on it to identify how far the planets are from each other and sun. Used our Solar System by Safari Ltd to place on the labels.

Did the "Temperature of the Planets" experiment. We used a regular thermometer and placed under the heat lamping of our bearded dragon for a minute and it melted. We weren't expecting that, so we used the ear thermometer and it wouldn't read the temperature because it was too hot, then we measured away from light and it was low (cold). I then measured her body temperature so she could see her reading. We talked about how planets closer to the sun are warmer than the ones who are far away are cold.

Had lots of fun with the "Balloon Rocket experiment", did this experiment several times. We had made video of the experiment but for some reason can't seem to download it.

Exploring one of the huge trees at the bus stop while we wait for our neighbor's daughter.

Enjoying their solar system magnets
By: Author Unknown
Star Light, Star Bright,
The first star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might;
Have the wish I wish tonight.

Watched the Magic School Bus: Season 1 Episode 1 and Season 4 Episode 7

Even though this is not a field trip, which the kids like to call it, we went to the co-op where her group learned about Team Building. They played various games in groups and then got to go play outside.

It's that time again, Soccer season. She has been waiting all summer for soccer season to begin again. This year she is even more excited because her very good friend Mikey is on her team.

Going to be another fun season
Gotta say this week has been a very busy week but lots of fun. We finally started our timeline (Adam & Eve and Cain & Abel) and art cards. Learned a lot more of our solar system and enjoyed all the experiments and projects we did with this unit. Also learned about 1 + 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, contraction, apostrophe, long vowel a spelled al, ow and ou sound. Excited to see what next week has in store for us.
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
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