This week we will learn about the Ten Commandments, the Tabernacle, the Twelve Spies, and about Jericho and Rahab. We will also learn about the ending of -ed, the sound of /k/ spelled ch and discuss about Water's Skin.

Some of the books we used this week.

Memory verse handwriting worksheet

Ten Commandments

Moses receiving the 10 commandments bible card

10 Commandments bible card


Twelve Spies

Jericho and Rehab (the two spies)
Memory verse: Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.
~Proverbs 25:28
~Exodus 20:3-5a, 7a, 8-17
~Hebrews 9:2-7, 19-22
~Numbers 13:25-28a, 30-33; 14:1-10
~Joshua 2:9-12a, 24

Mark tells the story of Jesus, beginning with the baptism and ending with his death and resurrection.

Luke was a doctor who was a friend of Paul

John tells the story of Jesus, how he came from his Father in Heaven, taught people many things, did miracles, died, rose again and than went back to the Father.

Acts begins with the story of Jesus going to heaven and God sending the Holy Spirit

Added the Ten Commandments picture to the timeline

The Ten Laws and -ed worksheets

-ed ending and the The Twelve Spies worksheets

ch=k sound and sentence reading worksheets

Number of the day

Flashcards +9

Using her cubes to count by 9

Adding 3 numbers

Using her blocks to add and subtract

Art Card #8 "Self-Portrait with Monkey" by Frida Kablo

After talking about the ten commandments with the kids got and painted their hands and then they glued the rules on each finger.

After painting their hands she wanted to continue painting. Love how artistic she is.

Kids went in search for the grapes I had hidden in the house. Instead of using real grapes we used some of the play ones we had. They really enjoyed searching for the grapes in the house, then they pretended to be carrying the grapes out of the promise land.

Whenever we talk about water the kids always want to do a wash station

Had some cheerios left over that had gone stale and decided to make bird feeders with them.

Materials for our Water's Skin experiments

Bulging glass experiment

Drips and drops experiment

Flattening drops experiment

Blowing bubbles experiment

Floating needle experiment

Looking for skimmers in the water. We filled a bucket with water and left it outside for a week to see what bugs or creatures we could find in the water.

Working on the music cards (Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra), little man even wanted to be include in our music lesson today .POEMS
By: Author Unknown
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile,
Don't forget to scream!

Brain Pop video on Water

Had a field trip to Hawk Manor Falconry with our co-op group

Some of the beautiful hawks on the manor

The kids loved petting the chicken

So happy my parents got to join us on this field trip

One of their favorite thing was getting to pet a barn owl

Love my princess can't believe how big she has gotten

Ended the week going to Kanani's first Zoo Club class. Today the kids learned about Animal Architecture

Some pictures of animals homes

Getting to pet a 15lb bunny

More animal homes and bones

Kanani got her wish thanks to my mom and mother-n-love who helped put up and decorate the Christmas tree.
This week we have done so many fun educational things. We learned about the Ten Commandments, the Tabernacle, the Twelve Spies, and about Jericho and Rahab. We also learned about the ending of -ed, the sound of /k/ spelled ch and discuss about Water's Skin. Did a lot of science fun. Excited to see what we will discover next week.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 20
Week 21
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