This week we will learn about the Moses and the Red Sea, Bitter Water, Manna, and Water from a Rock. Learn about the ow and oa sound. Do many experiments and activities to learn about boats and how they float.

Books we used this week

Memory verse handwriting practice worksheet

Reading in her Bible Reader "Crossing the Sea"

Bible card on Moses parting the Red Sea

Parting the Red Sea

Bible card on food from Heaven

Manna falling from Heaven

Bible card Water from a rock

Drawing of Moses hitting the rock with his stick and then water coming out of it
Memory Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on you own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
~Exodus 14:5-31
~Exodus 15:22-27
~Exodus 16:3-5, 13-15, 19-20, 23-24, 30-31, 35-36
~Exodus 17:1-6

Haggai was a prophet

Zechariah encourages the people to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem

Malachi is the last book in the Old Testament

Matthew is the first gospel

Added Manna picture to our timeline

Crossing the sea worksheet

Ow sound worksheet

Food in the Desert worksheet

Oa sound worksheet

Number of the day

Addition worksheets

Flashcards +3

Adding Strategies Worksheets

Solving word problems

More problem solving worksheets

Pattern Block Activities and she even made her own shapes

Adding with our foam dice

Art Card #7: "Summer's Day" by Berthe Morisot

Brought out our pumpkin lap book to review the parts of a pumpkin

Went to the library for story time with Super Heroes

Kids opened their surprise bowls to see what prizes were inside for them

Super Heroes

Making her tambourine

Floating experiments

Clay experiment

Plimsoll line experiment

Submarine can experiment

After coming home from the corn maze the kids washed their pumpkins

They both enjoyed making their pumpkins very clean

Making sure their pumpkins are very dry before we cut them open to study what's inside.

Observing the inside of their pumpkins.

Filled the pumpkin with baking soda and a few drops of food coloring, then the kids squirted some vinegar to see it gooze out of the pumpkin's mouth. This was a great fun activity.

Once the pumpkin seeds were completely dried we separated them into 6 different bags and dyed them 6 different colors.
By: Amy LV
Rocks in a river
Ice in a drink.
Some things float.
Some things sink.
Floating things
have buoyancy.
Test a little
toy and see.
Does it sink?
Does it float?
Could you use it
as a boat?
Try a pencil.
It pops up.
Try a hammer.
Try a cup.
Test some objects
in your bath.
Wath them.
Now you're
doing math.
If something
is denser
than the water
it will sink.
But if the waters
denser, then....

Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra activity cards

Watched some videos from the Brain Pop app

We went to Hubb's Corn Maze with our homeschool co-op group

Lots of fun on the farm

Hay ride to go see the animals

Jumping their favorite activity

Enjoyed their day at the Corn Maze and were very excited they got to take a pumpkin home

Ready for the Harvest Fest party at our co-op

Lots of goodies at the partyThis week we learned about Moses and the Red Sea, Bitter Water, Manna, and Water from a Rock. Learned about the ow and oa sound. Did many experiments and activities to learn about boats and how they float. It has a very busy week with all the activities the kids had but it has been lots of fun. Unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 20
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