This week we will continue to learn about Moses: the Burning Bush, God's promise to free Israel, the 10 Plagues, Passover, and leaving Egypt. Also learned the sound: kn, gn, and ough. Use our +0, +1, and +2 math cards. For science we will discuss the subject on sink and float.

I forgot to take a picture of all the books we used this week before returning them to the library. These were some that I hadn't returned with the first pack.
Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
~Proverbs 3:5
~Exodus 3:1-12; 4:1-17; 5:1-2
~Exodus 5:23-6:8
~Psalm 105:26-38
~Exodus 12:21-41

Memory verse handwriting practice

Burning Bush

Reviewed the Burning Bush story with our bible cards

God's Promise to free Israel

The 10 Plagues (found these pictures on Cool2BKids Website)

Used our Locust Plague bible card to talk more in detail about the eighth plagues.

Passover and Leaving Egypt: Blood on the door

After talking about the passover we went over a worksheet I found on Education page, which helped explain why they choose the food. The neat thing was without even thinking about it she had several of the items for breakfast.

Read about "The Exodus: Fleeing Egypt" using our bible cards.

Micah tells of punishment for sin and hope for the future.

Nahum means "the Lord comforts"

Habakkuk is a conversation with God

Zephaniah tells of punishment for sin but also mercy for God's people
No timeline pictures this week

The Burning Bush worksheet

kn, gn sound worksheet

The Ten Plagues worksheet

ough sound worksheet

Number of the day

Ended the week with the number of the week #80 and worked on our bean sticks.

Addition worksheets: learning to add in different ways

+0 and +1 flashcards

More addition practice

+2 flashcards

Lots of fun addition worksheets

After the lesson on "The Burning Bush" the kids colored a coffee filter with their markers and then sprayed some water on it to make the colors run.

Once the coffee filters dried they bent the filter in the middle in stuck it inside a toilet paper roll to make a burning bush.

Art card #6: "Lady with an Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci

Printed this cute booklet on the 10 Plagues Teachers Pay Teachers Website.

Reviewed some of the shapes from our Learning Resources bin

Placed a couple of drops of red food coloring into some water to represent the first plagues blood in the water.

Frogs everywhere to represent the second plagues.

Gnats everywhere on her to represent the third plagues.

She was grossed out by the flies which represent the fourth plagues.

Saddened by all the animals that died representing the fifth plagues.

Feeling sick with all the stickers that represent the sixth plagues boil.

Brought out the plastic ice cubes to represent hail the seventh plagues.

Eighth plagues of locusts.

Went to the bathroom with the light off to represent the ninth plagues of darkness.

Little man got involved with the tenth plagues which represent the firstborn boys die.

First she separated what she thought was going to sink and float. Much to her surprise many of the items she thought would sink actually floated.

Did the Pushing Power experiment: she tried to push the balloon under the water.

Clay experiment: to see how much clay it takes before it sinks.

After reading about boats and the way they work the kids grabbed some of theirs to play with, we used a bigger tub of water.

Balloon filling experiment using baking soda and vinegar

Placed baking soda into the balloons in which the kids then poured into the water bottles that had vinegar with food coloring in it.

It was so cool to see the balloons fill up this way.

We reviewed Peter and the Wolf: she actually matched the cards correctly without even listening to the music.
BY: Amy LV
Rocks in a river.
Ice in a drink.
Some things float.
Some things sink.
Floating things
have buoyancy.
Test a little
toy and see.
Does it sink?
Does it float:
Could you use it
as a boat?
Try a pencil.
It pops up.
Try a hammer.
Try a cup.
Test some objects
in your bath.
Wath them.
Now you're
doing math.
If something
Is denser
than the water
it will sink.
But if the waters
denser, then....
what do you think?
Watched a video on YouTube about sink and float experiments.

Went to the library for Pumpkin theme story time

Kids enjoyed searching for the Jack-O-Lantern

Played Musical Shapes to complete all the shapes they would need to build their own Jack-O-Lanterns

Completed Jack-O-Lanterns

Unto some more science fun with Vinegar and Baking Soda

Blowing bubbles inside the pumpkins

She had lots of fun at her soccer game, I was sad I had to miss her game (first time ever) due to her brother being sick.

After her soccer game her dad took her to an activity at church (October Fest) which of course she loved.

While waiting for her school pictures to be taken her class enjoys some board games.
This week we learned more about Moses: the Burning Bush, God's promise to free Israel, the 10 Plagues, Passover, and leaving Egypt. We really enjoyed learning about Moses. Also learned the sound: kn, gn, and ough. Used our +0, +1, and +2 math cards. For science we discussed the subject on sink and float and reviewed the music activity of Peter and the Wolf. Unto next week to see what fun adventures are in store for us.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
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