This week we will learn about the letter Pp, number 16, the color blue, and the hemisphere shape. Will also learn about water right along with his sister.

Some of the items we used this week

Books we used this week

Observing the letter Pp

Color Blue Objects

Identifying and observing different objects that are the color blue

Number 16 and the Hemisphere shape

He has been showing interest in learning about different shapes so I got our Learning Resource Foam shapes out with the cards I printed out and laminated to help the kids identify different shapes. He matched the shapes with the cards while I told him the shape name.

It was raining outside and to go with our theme of the week: WATER we had fun in the rain.

This week at the library we learned about Curious George

Enjoyed story time

Kids loved being able to draw on the smart board

After story time the kids got to enjoy some games and then make their own money masks.

My cute little monkeys

Went to our nature class on Macro-Invertebrate at one of our local parks with our co-op group.

Ranger Amber did an excellent job in explaining to the kids what Macro-Invertebrates are.

Of course Dartanian couldn't stay still to listen to the ranger so him and his buddy Pepper went to explore their surroundings.

Kids went searching for their own Macro-Invertebrates

After finding their Macro-Invertebrates the kids got a chance to see them on the screen up close.

This week at the co-op I was filling in for a friend helping in the 3-4 year old class. Of course little man wouldn't stay in his 2 year old class without me so he joined me in the class. The theme for the week was CSI, so the kids discovered what was in apples, taste of an apple, and parts of an apple.

Afterwards they got to enjoy eating their apples and then some play time at the park.

Little man loves all things Batman and swords. My mom came home and surprised him with a Batman teddy bear, he was so excited and couldn't stop hugging him.
It's been a great week full of lots of fun and learning. He learned about the letter Pp, number 16, hemisphere shape, water, and reviewed the color orange. Unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
Week 1 (Aa, #1, Red, Circle) Part 1
Week 10 (Gg, #7, Review Colors & Shapes) Sense of Sight
Week 11 (Hh, #8, Purple, Diamond) Sense of Smell
Week 12 (Ii, #9, Brown, Rectangle) Sense of Taste
Week 16 (Mm, #13, Rainbow, Arch) Noah's Ark
Week 17 (Nn, #14, White, Cube) Snow & Ice
Week 18 (Oo, #15, Orange, Sphere) Joseph
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