Friday, October 7, 2016

MFW: Learning God's Story Week 19


This week we will learn about Joseph and his family reunion, Baby Moses, and Moses leaving Egypt.  Several books of the Bible: Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Jonah.  Learn about au sound, o sound, illustrate sentences, and greater than and less than numbers.  Also learn about water and the number 5 art card.  


Great books we used this week 


Memory verse handwriting practice 

Reviewed about Joseph and his reunion with his family

Learning about Israel in Egypt 

Baby Moses in a basket 

Bible cards on Miriam (Moses' sister) and Baby Moses

After talking about Moses leaving Egypt she colored in a picture of Moses.


Memory verse: "Do not say, "I'll pay back for this wrong." Wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you.
~Proverbs 20:22

~Genesis 43:1-5; 44:4-20; 44:30; 45:11, 14-15

~Exodus 1

~Exodus 2:1-10

~Exodus 2:11-25


Joel tells about many locusts and no rain comping as punishment for sin.

Amos tells people that sin will be punished 

Obadiah was written by Obadiah.  His name means "servant of God.", also its the shortest book of the bible.

Jonah tells the story of Jonah, who was swallowed by a huge fish when he tried to run away from God.


In Egypt (Pyramid)

Moses picture 


Joseph's family worksheet and our family worksheet 

God's Plan worksheet 

au sound worksheet 

Baby in a Basket worksheet 

o sound and illustrate sentences worksheets


Number of the day

Learning about ordinal numbers 

Identifying greater than and less than numbers

Using our math blocks to practice our greater than and less than numbers 

She is really enjoying using the number blocks and alligators (greater than and less than) for her math practice 

More greater than and less than practice 


Art Card #5: Sea at Satta by Ando Hiroshige 


Nile Maze: baby Moses floating down the Nile to the Princess

Building pyramids with kinetic sand 

Baby Moses Hidden Picture card 

Built a basket out of aluminum for baby Moses going down the Nile River 

The theme at our co-op was CSI, in Kanani's class they went to investigate who took the cupcakes which they got to enjoy after finding them.  They also made a thumbprint cake topper for their own cupcakes, she didn't want to eat hers.  

To go with our water theme the kids enjoyed some time playing in the rain.


Pouring water in the jar 

Placing water in different size bowl to see how the water takes shape in different objects.

Filled a jar half way with water and then she placed the jar on some books to see how the water angles in the jar.

Drew her observations of the jar at an angle on the books

Using the tube we use to siphon our fish tank to see the water move in different directions when you raise one side higher than the other.

After looking at how water does in the sand, grass, gravel, and drive way she wanted to make mud.

Our beautiful princess enjoys playing in the dirt.


Peter and the Wolf 


     By:  Amy Ludwig VanDerwater

is clearly 
a mystery 
to me.

A solid?
A liquid?
A gas?
It's all three.

Freeze it.
Warm it.
Boil it.
You'll see.

is clearly 
a mystery 
to me.


This week we saw the first part of the video "Moe and the Big Exit", Veggie Tales Moses version.


This week we went to one of our local parks for our Nature Class, kids learned about Macro-invertebrate.

Kids had a blast searching for Macro-invertebrates 

Enjoyed looking for Macro-Invertebrates 

Observing their finds 

Getting to look at their finds on the screen 

After their nature class we spent some time at the park


Went to the library for story time and this week we learned about Curious George 

Searching for Curious George in the story 

Kids took turns looking for the Man with the Yellow Hat: Hat

After playing several games the kids got to enjoy making their mask

Playing around with their Curious George Mask

Soccer practice, we were suppose to play on Saturday but it had to be reschedule due to Hurricane Matthew winds and rain.  The kids still had fun practicing.

This week we learned about Joseph and his family reunion, Baby Moses, and Moses leaving Egypt.  Several books of the Bible: Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Jonah.  Learned about au sound, o sound, illustrating sentences, and greater than and less than numbers.  Also learned about water and Ando Hiroshige painting "Sea at Satta".  



Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 9 

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