This week we will learn about the letter Oo, number 15, the color orange, the sphere shape . Will also learn about Joseph and his coat of many colors along side with his sister.

Some of the objects we used this week

Books we used this week

Learning the letter Oo and the sound it makes

Observing different objects of the color Orange

Looking at what a sphere shape is and learning about the number 15

Some of the activities I use to keep him busy while his sister and me work on her school work.
Put together an activity to help little man with his hand eye coordination. Placed 6 golf tees on a block of foam and 6 golf balls in a small basket. He would place the golf balls on the tee. He got 2 to stay before they fell down. Concentrated so much on this activity and kept him pretty busy while I worked with his sister.

Kanani is trying to help him get all 6 balls to stay on the tees

More sensory activity
He loves working on his Melissa & Doug gear caterpillar
Likes picking up books and pretending to be reading them, in this book there is a fake mirror which he enjoyed looking at himself at.
Made a Joseph puppet
This kid really loves playing with Kinetic Sand
Watched a Veggie Tales movie to go with the story of Joseph
We took a trip to the library for our weekly story time, this week's theme was apples.
Mrs. Rita took some vinegar and baking soda and placed it inside some apples for the kids to observe the reaction. Volcano in an apple, love science experiments.
Kanani got a chance to place some baking soda in the apples and Dartanian enjoyed being close enough to observe.
For craft time he enjoyed coloring his tree and apples. Once the apples were colored in he tried cutting them out, which of course I ended up finishing for him, but at least he tried. He then glued the apples to his tree.
The kids enjoyed spending some time with their grandmother, she stayed the night so the kids wouldn't have to wake up early to go with me to meeting I had early the next morning. So grateful to have my parents close.
It has been a great start to school this week after getting back from our mini vacation in FL. We learned about the letter Oo, the color Orange, number 15, and sphere shape. Also learned about Joseph and his coat of many colors.
Week 10 (Gg, #7, Review Colors & Shapes) Sense of Sight
Week 11 (Hh, #8, Purple, Diamond) Sense of Smell
Week 12 (Ii, #9, Brown, Rectangle) Sense of Taste
Week 15 (Ll, #12, Yellow, Star) Stars
Week 16 (Mm, #13, Rainbow, Arch) Noah's Ark
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