This week we will be learning about Noah's Ark, the letter Mm, number 13, the colors of the rainbow, and the arch shape.

Some of the items we used this week

Some books we used this week

Learning the letter Mm

Kanani and me made a rainbow after showing little man the order of the rainbows.

Reviewed the arch shape

Looking at the number 13

After learning about Noah's Ark the kids colored the Ark and then put stickers on it to represent the animals on the Ark.

To go with the Noah's Ark theme this week we found a great game at Dollar Tree "What animal am I? card game". Little man played one time and then ran away with the headband. His card was a mouse.

After reading the story "Noah's Ark" I let them paint a picture

Talked more about the colors of the rainbow and then little man put the gears with the correct colors.

Painted the colors of the rainbow on aluminum foil and covered it in shaving cream. The kids then proceeded to search for the colors. Love Dartanian's face, he kept saying "COOL", he's new favorite word.

At the co-op the theme for the week was insects, in his class he learned about the color green and the square shape.

Watched the movie "VeggieTales Noah's Ark" in a lesson in trusting God.

Took the kids to PetSmart to look at the animals and also get some supplies for Larry our Bearded Dragon.

He had fun at his sister's soccer practice with one of his best friends Gabby.

Went for a ride with his BF Josiah and my BF Michelle.

Hugging his sister and Gabby during one of the breaks from practice

At Kanani's soccer game, she made her first goal at the first game of the season, he had lots of fun watching his sister play. Next year he will be playing soccer.

Cutest little helpers of mine helping me mop the floor
This week we learned about Noah's Ark, the letter Mm, number 13, the colors of the rainbows, and the arch shape.
Week 10 (Gg, #7, Review Colors & Shapes) Sense of Sight
Week 11 (Hh, #8, Purple, Diamond) Sense of Smell
Week 12 (Ii, #9, Brown, Rectangle) Sense of Taste
Week 15 (Ll, #12, Yellow, Star) Stars
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