This week we will focus on the letter Cc, number 3, the color green, and continue reviewing the square shape. I was going to continue with the color blue but he showed me he knew the color by picking up random items that were blue and saying the color.

Items we used for this week

This Sunday was Dartanian's first time in Sunday school, of course he only stayed because I was helping out, but it's a start. I pray that as he continues to go that eventually he will stay without me.

Several of the books we used

Using his Leap Frog alphabet to hear the sound the letter C makes.

Looking at his flash cards for the letter C and saying C

I asked him to pick out 3 fruits or vegetables to cut apart, he chose a banana, pepper, and a piece of cantaloupe. Each time he would cut the pieces I would count how many pieces he cut and sometimes he would repeat. Then I would place three pieces in front of him and count them in English and Spanish, he repeated after me.

We picked out three different puzzle shapes to play with.

Put together a painting station after dinner. He always loves to paint. Of course there's usually more paint on him then what he is actually painting. Love that we do this activity as a family. His face after getting caught eating the paint is so funny.

Placed a couple of drops of green paint on paper for the kids to use the fly swatter to spread on the paper with. As they swatted the paint we would yell "GREEN", to get Dartanian to repeat with us. Also spread some shaving cream in a tub and added green food coloring for the kids to make marble paint.

He wanted to play with these foam blocks so I made a game of it. First I divided them into 4 sections by their color and showed it to him. Then I mixed the smaller blocks up and only did the red, wanted him to focus on only 3 colors since there were so many blocks.

I mixed the colors up for little man to match, he did really good the first time but by the second time he would say "No that doesn't go there", I usually ask him "Where does it go?" and if he puts it in the wrong spot I tell him "No it doesn't go there". He was being so silly, its so much fun watching playing and learning.

After using the frog life cycle figurines with his sister he wanted to use them. We discussed the color green, the sounds a frog makes, and how the frog hops. He was so cute trying to act like a frog.

After we discussed the square shape we built the tower together, he was so happy when he completed the tower. He sounds so cute trying to say "Square".

Once the tower was completed he knocked it down his favorite part.

Sat down to do a couple of puzzles of transportation

Having a blast in his tent full of ball pit balls

The kids had pizza for lunch and I cut them up in squares to go with this week theme.

We all love the videos of Leap Frog, today we watched Numbers Ahoy to get him familiarized with numbers.

After talking about what Memorial Day meant we took the kids to the Airborne & Special Operations Museum.

NC Veterans Park

Kids enjoyed finding our county

Field of flags at the museum

Little man got distracted watching some bumblebees pollentinating

After going to the Airborne Museum we took the kids to Fascinate U Children's Museum for some fun.

He had a blast at the children's museum

Love my little man

The kids were so excited to finally be able to enjoy playing outside for more than a few minutes today. It's been raining so much it was nice to get a break from it.
He really surprised me this week with showing me that he knows the color red and blue, he can count from 1-3 and sometimes 4. Love that I'm able to be here to see him grow and learn.
Week 1 (Aa, #1, Red, Circle) Part 1
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