We are starting with the basics a different letter, color, number, and shape each week.
Dartanian is always wanting to join us during school time, so what perfect time then now.
This week we will be working on the letter Aa, number 1, color Red, and the circle shape. I'm not worried for teaching him everything in a week, I think this is a two week process for him. At his age he is always on the goal and concentrates about 5 minutes at a time, if that. Just trying to give him the basics for now.
He is ready to start his own little lessons. Such a handsome little man.

Here are some of the books we used this week

Some of our letter Aa items

Wrote the letter Aa on the chalk board and he tired his best to copy the letter.

The number 1 items we used this week.

Observing and saying the number 1

Even though he only writes straight lines to me that's a step to writing.

While we sat at the table doing some school work little man wanted to join in on the action. I gave him some paper and he picked out some crayons and began his art work. I wrote the letter Aa on the paper and he would point at it and say A. He even tired copying the letter.
Here he was working with the Leap Frog magnetic letters, he would place the letter A in the slot and it would tell him what letter and sound it was. He kept repeating each time he pressed down on it.
Placed several puzzles on the table of shapes and colors for him to work on. He did such an amazing job putting the pieces where they belong.
Put together a bin of rainbow pasta with some letters in it. Had Kanani match the letters while Dartanian would pick out the letters and hand them to Kanani. Each time he would hand her a letter she would tell him what the letter was and the sound. Love when they work together, she is such an awesome big sister. Always willing to help out in any possible.
Fun with water, they love playing in the water. Great way to end the day.
Cutting practice with our Melissa & Doug cutting fruit.
Playing with his Leap Frog Phonics Radio
Put together a magnet bin for the kids so they could explore the magnetic forces of magnetism. Bought a Magnetic Mania that came with two magnetic wands, 10 magnet marbles, 50 counting chips, and a booklet. I also added extra magnets we had so hey could search for them in the rainbow pasta. They have been playing with this for 30 minutes already. I'm so glad they are enjoying it. Kanani even put together some of the chips to make different colors.
He started counting the magnetic marbles on his magnetic want, even though he only counts to three it was cute watching him try.
Kanani has been learning about creatures underground, so we were looking for earthworms. Dartanian loved helping dig in the dirt looking for earthworms.
Borrowed this movie from the library, since Netflix doesn't have Sesame Street any more.

Went to the skating ring with our wonderful co-op HEART of Raeford for our end of party. It was Dartanian's first time skating, wish I would of caught it on video (which I actually thought I did) but for someone reason it didn't record. He had a lot of fun, I was so proud of how well he did.

He has made such wonderful friends in his class and has grown so independent.

He definitely enjoyed his cupcake, well the frosting of the cupcake.

Ended our week playing in the rain. It has been raining pretty much all week. They love the water, our little fish.
It has been a very fun week teaching Dartanian about the letter Aa. Next week we will continue with our lessons on the color red, circle, number 1, and review letter Aa.
Hope you enjoy our little lessons. Each day we try learning in 10 minute intervals, which is usually how long little man usually keeps his focus. He's constantly on the go.
Below I will place a link to all the weeks following this one.
Week 10 (Gg, #7, Review Colors & Shapes) Sense of Sight
Week 11 (Hh, #8, Purple, Diamond) Sense of Smell
Week 12 (Ii, #9, Brown, Rectangle) Sense of Taste
Week 16 (Mm, #13, Rainbow, Arch) Noah's Ark
Week 17 (Nn, #14, White, Cube) Snow & Ice
Week 18 (Oo, #15, Orange, Sphere) Joseph
Week 19 (Pp, #16, Blue, Sphere) Water
Week 20 (Qq, #17, Brown, Rectangular Prism) Sink and Float
Week 21 (Rr, #18, Grey, Cone) Boats
Week 22 (Ss, #19, Pink, Cylinder) Water's Skin
Week 23 (Tt, #20, Green, Circle) Cloud
Week 24 (Uu, #21, Purple, Square) Mixing
Week 25 (Vv, #22, Red, Oval) Water Power
Week 26 (Ww, #23, Blue, Rhombus) Taking in Water
Week 27 (Xx, #24, White, Cube) Frozen Water
Week 28 (Yy, #25, Yellow, Hexagon) Seeds
Week 29 (Zz, #26, Pink, Square Pyramid) Color Combination
Week 30 Plants and Water
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