This week we will focus on learning the letter Uu, the number 21, the color purple, and the square shape. Will learn about how things react when mixed in water right along with his sister.

Some of the objects we used for this week lesson

Some of the books we used this week

Love hearing him say "U" and the telling the sound the letter makes

Learning the number 21 and the square shape

Observing different items that purple

Painting a bouquet, so many beautiful flowers in his painting.

He saw me cooking and said he wanted to cook too. I placed several cookie cutters out some cooking utensils and pots for him to play with while I cooked.

Using their Measuring Kit to measure black beans

Hanging out together watching movies and playing with their foam shapes.

Mixing household items with water to see what happens

They enjoyed seeing how things react with water, the changes that occur, and feeling the water to see that also changes.

Very impressed to see that the oil doesn't sink in water.

Didn't do much this week but the kids really enjoyed themselves in the pile of leaves.

Toward the end of the week little man wasn't feeling too good, by Friday I had to take him to the doctors for them to tell me (what I already knew) that he had croup. He has been champ with all the breathing treatments and taking his meds.

Starting to feel a little better today (Sunday), hopefully he feels 100% better very soon.
This week little man started off great and as the days went on he started getting sick. Through it all you could never tell he was getting sick because he was still his happy self. He still wanted to do some school, even though I didn't push him into it, he learned the letter Uu, the number 21, the color purple, and the square shape. We also learned about how things reacted when mixed in water.
Week 1 (Aa, #1, Red, Circle) Part 1
Week 10 (Gg, #7, Review Colors & Shapes) Sense of Sight
Week 11 (Hh, #8, Purple, Diamond) Sense of Smell
Week 12 (Ii, #9, Brown, Rectangle) Sense of Taste
Week 16 (Mm, #13, Rainbow, Arch) Noah's Ark
Week 17 (Nn, #14, White, Cube) Snow & Ice
Week 18 (Oo, #15, Orange, Sphere) Joseph
Week 20 (Qq, #17, Brown, Rectangular Prism) Sink and Float
Week 21 (Rr, #18, Grey, Cone) Boats
Week 22 (Ss, #19, Pink, Cylinder) Water's Skin
Week 23 (Tt, #20, Green, Circle) Cloud
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