This week we will be working on the letter B since he has mastered the letter A.

Some of our Letter Bb and Number 2 items we used this week.
Some of the books we used this week.

Little man would say B and then say Butterfly, once he was done he wanted to write. I wrote the letter B on his dry erase board but he decided it was better to write everywhere instead. That was fine by me, at least he is learning how to hold the marker correctly.

Set up the light table with some blue items and with the letter B and number 2 so that he could place the blue stones on them. With help from his big sister he was able to complete this activity. Love any activity the kids can do together.

Looking through his little Bb book
Set up a clean and wash station for the kids, Kanani has been learning about counting by the dozen, so I set up 12 ponies for them to wash. Great sensory play for little man so he can brush the ponies, wash them, and then dry them.

Placed the abacus in front of him and started counting the top roll and then we talked about the colors. He liked moving them and counting up to 3. He really enjoyed moving the beads really fast.

Worked on sorting everything into groups of the same color. He got a bit over whelmed at first since there was so many but as we helped him he started doing them on his own.

Gave him some paper and crayons for him to color while I finished school work with his sister. He took a break to give Perry the Platypus a hug.

Prepped these color matching activities. Picked several things for him to color match with. We did one of each per day didn't want to overwhelm. Planning on mixing everything together and have him put each item under the correct color.
Gave him pipe cleaners to match with their correct colors, while he put them in their correct sections I would tell him the color of each one. He had so much fun with the pipe cleaners stretching them out and wrapping it on his fingers.

Working on sorting, identifying, and matching the pom poms to their correct colors.

Having fun in their boxes while watching a movie and coloring in their boxes.

B is for blocks, he had so much fun building with the wonder blocks.

Having fun building with his sister.

Collected 12 different types of balls for him to feel and see the difference of each one.

Put together a bin with black beans and bug (insects) inside of it for the kids to explore.

Kids enjoyed searching for 12 plastic eggs in the living room. As little man would find an egg we would count them and tell him what color it was.
Set up a tray full of a variety of fruits and goldfish crackers, we were talking about the different flavors each fruit have and how good they are for us. Had to include some goldfish crackers since the kids really enjoy them. It was fun watching little man try new fruits and see his facial expressions.
Little man grabbed the basket of pinecones and started looking at each one. I gave him a magnifying glass so he could observe them closer. Of course his sister wanted to observe right along with him. Our little scientist in the making.
Took the kids to Sonic again this week to enjoy some fun outside, it has been raining almost every day. It was nice to see them enjoy the great outdoors.
Our little Super Heroes
It's been a busy week learning about the letter B, which he now knows very well, and learning about the number 2. Next week we will move unto the letter C but will stick with the color blue and the square shape.
Week 1 (Aa, #1, Red, Circle) Part 1
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