It such an exciting and bitter-sweet moment. Excited to begin the next chapter in our lives, First Grade. Just don't like how fast time has flown by, they grow up so fast.
Completed our first year of homeschool using My Father's World God's Creation from A to Z Kindergarten Curriculum.

Not in the picture but Kanani wants to be a Veterinarian when she grows up. Got this cute idea from Make and Takes blog.
We went to Olive Garden to celebrate Kanani's achievement in completing Kindergarten, her favorite restaurant.
On her birthday we threw a small celebration with our family to celebrate her graduation. We also celebrated her and her brother's birthday (they share the same birth day). Celebrated their birthdays the Saturday before their actual birthdays.
Bought some decor to help make her celebration special.
Photo Ops Pics with the family
Taking pics with daddy, we are so proud of her and all her hard work.
Got this graduation card made for our special princess to give out to our family.
We love our princess and can't wait to see what other things God has in store for her.
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