Some of our objects that start with the letter Kk.

K is for Kanani who is in Kindergarten
Great books we used for our kangaroo unit.
Working on her handwriting, cursive, and matching the upper with the lower case letters.
Placing dots on pictures that start with the letter Kk, looking at her letter Kk pictures, going over her memory verse and reading one of her books.

Finished her cut and paste, reading, writing, and identifying the missing letter worksheets.

Worked on her cuisenaire rods, drawing, filling in the missing word worksheets. Once she completed all her worksheets we worked on reading.
Reviewing the 10 groups by placing them in order and then identifying each number.

This week we started learning about fractions. Kanani quickly sat down and completed the worksheet without me explaining anything to her. To my surprise she got 100% correct and was able to explain to me why she chose those answers. Got to say I was a bit nervous to start fractions with her, I'm not good at math. Thought it was going to be hard to explain fractions to her. She surprises me everyday.

We've been working on counting by 10 and this week we worked on skip counting by 10. After she completed her worksheets from her MATH U SEE workbooks I had her close her eyes and count by 10. Wanted to make sure she knew them without looking at her paper, she did it perfect.
Made some crowns fit for a King, of course besides making some for her dad and brother she wanted to make one for herself and dog Bell.

Made a cute cup, got this idea from Mama Jenn Blog, and had Kanani paint a styrofoam cup and craft stick brown. Once everything was dry we glued the pieces on the stick and cup to form a kangaroo. I made 20 different pictures and glued them to smaller craft sticks. I made some pictures that started with the letter K and some that didn't.

Out of 20 pictures 9 of them started with the letter K. Kanani was very excited to play the game, great thing is I placed several shapes on some of the pictures to help her review her shapes.

Drew and cut out the picture of a Kangaroo and its Joey, which Kanani glued together. I added a craft stick to it with the memory versus on it so she could use it as a puppet. Saw something similar to this in
Ducks 'n a Row blog.

Cut out some shapes for Kanani to form her own baby Joey and then glue it to a paper bag to make it seem like a pouch. She really enjoyed this craft and acting like a kangaroo. This idea came from
Rachel Anne Mencke Website.

Of course no letter Kk unit is complete until you eat a Kit Kat, one of Kanani's favorite chocolate treats.

K is for kitchen, love my little cook.

Couldn't end this unit without playing with Kinetic sand. One of Kanani's and my favorite sensory thing to play with.
This book came in handy to help Kanani better understand the kangaroo and other marsupials.
A comparison chart of different kangaroos, and a pic of a baby joey at birth.
A kangaroo's skeleton system.

Learned that kangaroos can jump as far as 20 to 30 feet. After measuring 30 feet Kanani then proceeded to jump. Once she jumped we placed a piece of tape on the floor and then she measured it. She jumped approximately 5 feet.

Found this worksheet on Enchanted Learning website.
Learned where you can find kangaroos, beside in zoos.

Putting to one of the places kangaroos live.

Some pictures of the video that is below of Kangaroos.
Watched a quick video of Kangaroos and they way they kickbox. Found the video on youtube.
canguro (kangaroo)
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
~Psalm 4:8~
By: Kenn Nesbitt
If a person has four babies
you would call them all quadruplets.
If a kangaroo does likewise
should you call them kangaruplets?
And there's something else I wonder,
that could use illuminating,
When a kangaroo is thinking
is it kangaruminating?
If you baked a kangaroo a pie
and shaped it like a boomerang
would it be best with whipping cream
or maybe kangaroo meringue?
I've got so many questions,
I just don't know what to do.
I guess perhaps I'll have to go
and ask a kangaroo.
Jessel: Parade of the Wooden Soldiers
Kanani couldn't wait to start on this unit. It is her favorite letter, Kk, the first letter of her name. Plus she loves kangaroos, she's constantly jumping around like one. Had lot of fun doing all the kangaroo activities and learning about them. Kangaroos are a lot stronger than what most people give them credit for.
It's wonderful knowing that no matter how huge our troubles in our lives may be or how little our problems are, God promises to always be with us no matter what.
Hope you enjoy!
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