This week we will discuss the Witch of Endor, King David, the Ark being moved, God's promise to David, Mephibosheth, Phoenicia Alphabet, and King Saul. Also learn about classification, temperature via making a thermometer, saltwater & freshwater, and osmosis. Little man will work on the letter Ff, everything on frogs, coin cup, and using our tongues wisely.
Lots of wonderful books we used this week.
Memory Verse: Psalm 1
~I use my tongue wisely.
~Ephesians 4:29; 5:4
~Proverbs 12:22
~Psalm 23; 34:11-13; 141:3
~Colossians 3:8-9
~1 Samuel 28:3-20
~2 Samuel 3:1; 5:1-12; 6; 7; 9
~Deuteronomy 18:9-12
~2 Chronicles 33:1-6
~Galatians 5:19-21
~I use my tongue wisely.
~Ephesians 4:29; 5:4
~Proverbs 12:22
~Psalm 23; 34:11-13; 141:3
~Colossians 3:8-9
~1 Samuel 28:3-20
~2 Samuel 3:1; 5:1-12; 6; 7; 9
~Deuteronomy 18:9-12
~2 Chronicles 33:1-6
~Galatians 5:19-21
King David shows kindness to Mephibosheth, printed this worksheet from Unto Good Works blog.

The new church we attended gave us a paper with a devotion to do with the kids everyday. The topic was on Forgiveness, one of the days said to write the word "BECAUSE" that way each time the kids see this word they can remember what we learned during the week. It's a reminder this week to forgive others BECAUSE God forgives you.

The new church we attended gave us a paper with a devotion to do with the kids everyday. The topic was on Forgiveness, one of the days said to write the word "BECAUSE" that way each time the kids see this word they can remember what we learned during the week. It's a reminder this week to forgive others BECAUSE God forgives you.
New Greek Word this week: PETROS (rock, stone).
Lots of reading and reviewing how to write sentences and paragraphs.
Reading her new Early Readers Bible, and several of her books.
Spelling and language arts workbook.
Observing letter Ff cards and objects.
Fun worksheets for the letter Ff.
Handwriting practice in the salt.
Due to the move I had completely forgotten these cute little books that came with the curriculum. He started reading "Sam at Bat" this week, he was so happy when he remembered to read several of the words in his book.

Working on finding the area and perimeter of the objects.
Lots of multiplication, division, addition going on this week.

Multitasking at its finest, while doing her work in her math workbook her brother wanted her to read him a story. She took a little break and read him a short story.
Weather and calendar chart.
Counting his coins this week.

Found this really neat activity mats at Target's dollar spot. We bought the alphabet, numbers, and spanish ones. He seems to really enjoy these and its a great review for him. Love the spanish one, great addition to our mats.
Working on filling in the missing numbers and his colors in English and Spanish.
Practiced skip counting by 2 and then we used our little frogs and flies to identify the numbers and work on counting.
Counting his money, he can't understand why the dime is smaller than the nickel since it's worth more. It really bothered him.

Printed out the name DAVID since we've been learning about him for several weeks, got this idea from Bible Fun for Kids. D: Shepherd, E: Musician, V: Solider, I: Friend, and D: King.
Saul and the Witch of Endor, David King of Israel, and the Ark enters Jerusalem.
Phoenician Alphabet worksheet.
After learning about Phoenician Alphabet we used our letter tiles to build their names and enjoyed eating some Alphabet cookies.
Lesson 36: Creating a Diptych

He colored this cute frog worksheet which I found on the True Way Kids website. It's more like the cup and ball game except its with frog and fly game craft.

He enjoyed playing the frog and fly game and then he held his tongue and tried to talk to see how difficult it was to speak clearly.
Lesson 37: Nature Study with Pen & Ink

He colored this cute frog worksheet which I found on the True Way Kids website. It's more like the cup and ball game except its with frog and fly game craft.

He enjoyed playing the frog and fly game and then he held his tongue and tried to talk to see how difficult it was to speak clearly.
Lesson 37: Nature Study with Pen & Ink
A Simple Thermometer Experiment
When the water got hot he rose in the straw, once place in the ice water the water in the straw went down.
Learning the life cycle of frog.
Printed out a worksheet of the Frog life cycle for him to color and be able to see observe the cycle closer. You can print out a copy on Kindergarten Worksheets and Games website.
More on the life cycle of a frog, got this cute idea from Life Over C's.
Worked on his life cycle worksheet.
Osmosis Experiment
Osmosis experiment: Cut two thin pieces of potato and placed one in freshwater and the other on saltwater. After 2 hours the one in the FW soaked up a lot of water and expanded a bit, felt rather hard to the touch. The one in SW shrunk since the salt kept the water from being absorbed, felt soft and a bit squishy.
Watched the "The Magic School Bus: Hops Home" which went well with our frog studies.
Listened to the Story of Handel and Mozart: Horn Concerto no. 3 in E-flat Major.
Watched the "The Magic School Bus: Hops Home" which went well with our frog studies.
Listened to the Story of Handel and Mozart: Horn Concerto no. 3 in E-flat Major.
Went to a new library for their story time, it's definitely not the same as in NC, we miss our old librarian and her wonderful story time.
The theme of the week was Outer Space.
Lots of fun filliping the frogs into the bowl, got this great toy at Dollar Tree.

While at Dollar Tree we found frog headband and some yummy frog gummies.
This week we discussed the Witch of Endor, King David, the Ark being moved, God's promise to David, Mephibosheth, Phoenicia Alphabet, and King Saul. Also learned about classification, temperature via making a thermometer, saltwater & freshwater, and osmosis. Little man worked on the letter Ff, everything on frogs, coin cup, and using our tongues wisely. Now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.

While at Dollar Tree we found frog headband and some yummy frog gummies.
This week we discussed the Witch of Endor, King David, the Ark being moved, God's promise to David, Mephibosheth, Phoenicia Alphabet, and King Saul. Also learned about classification, temperature via making a thermometer, saltwater & freshwater, and osmosis. Little man worked on the letter Ff, everything on frogs, coin cup, and using our tongues wisely. Now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
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