This week we will learn about Athens and Sparta, the Philistines and the Ark, Israel ruled by Kings, when Israel asks for a King, and Saul becoming a king. Discuss the Greeks at War, Greek Mythology, and colonies. Learn more about how things move, all of earth's motion, solar system, and start our reading on the Trojan Horse. D will learn about the letter Rr, rocks, the wise man who built his house upon the rock, and learn how we need to listen and obey God.
Memory Verse: Psalm 23
I listen and obey; I build my life on the Rock.
~James 1:22-25
~Matthew 7:24-27
~1 Samuel 4-12

King Saul, King David, and King Solomon bible reader cards.

The Philistines and the Ark

Few of our pets joining us for school, Larry Boy (bearded dragon) and Coco (Cockatiel).

We started a new reading curriculum (All About Reading), since I felt like the other one wasn't working for the kids. So far they seem to really enjoy this one and everything is sticking.

Greek word of the week: GEO (earth)

She's been into reading more again, she was doubting herself and comparing herself to her friends. But thankfully her confidence has been lifted since we started the new Reading curriculum.

Workbook work

Language arts workbook working on her punctuation, sentences, and paragraphs.

Letter of the week for little man is the letter Rr.

Worksheet fun with the letter Rr.
Letter R cards and handwriting practice in the sand.

Letter R rod worksheets.

Worksheets and workbook work.
Fractions, measurements, division, and multiplication.

Handwriting and identifying his numbers.

Shapes and handwriting practice.

This week we added Saul to the timeline.
Discussed the Greeks at War, the Invasion of Crete, the siege of Troy, and the end of the Mycenaeans.
Had a blast with all the activities and crafts we did at our co-op. It was a bitter sweet day since it marked our last time at co-op before we move.

Went to JC Penny for their kids craft, they made their own growth chart.
Lesson #30 Painting a Monastery

Working on her artwork.

Her completed work.

Went to JC Penny for their kids craft, they made their own growth chart.

Lesson #30 Painting a Monastery

Working on her artwork.

Her completed work.

Day and Night Experiment

Took a flashlight and went into the bathroom, since it was the darkest room in the house, and rotated the light around K and D to demonstrate how the earth moves around the sun.

A Toilet Paper Map of the Solar System
Instead of using toilet paper we used a tape measure, we didn't want to waste toilet paper.
Identifying and observing some of our rock and gem collection.
More of our precious gems and rocks.
Organizing and rearranging their rocks.

Say Hello to Classical Music: #19: Strauss: Thunder and Lightning Polka

The Best of Bach: Clavichord and Harpischord
Watched the video "Veggie Tales The Little House that Stood", went great with the bible lesson this week.

Checked these videos out at our library about the Solar System.

Say Hello to Classical Music: #19: Strauss: Thunder and Lightning Polka

The Best of Bach: Clavichord and Harpischord

Watched the video "Veggie Tales The Little House that Stood", went great with the bible lesson this week.

Checked these videos out at our library about the Solar System.
Went to the Post Office Museum in Washington D.C., we really enjoyed learning all about the postal system. Definitely a must see if you are in the area.

After the Post Office Museum we went to see the White House and then got some pictures done at a little corner store.

Went to Georgia for my husband's graduation from his new job training and took a stroll down to St. Simons Island Pier, its such a cute little town.

Went to the 82nd Airborne symphony, had a great time and the kids loved getting their picture taken with Santa at the end.

My parents surprised the kids and me with tickets to Disney on Ice, we loved it. Gotta say it was better than last year.

Oh how we are going to miss living close to my parents.

Went to the Washington D.C. zoo with the family while we were looking for houses in VA and WV.

Celebrated our 12 year Anniversary at the zoo with the family and then went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse.

Oh how we are going to miss living close to my parents.

Went to the Washington D.C. zoo with the family while we were looking for houses in VA and WV.

Celebrated our 12 year Anniversary at the zoo with the family and then went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse.
This week we learned about Athens and Sparta, the Philistines and the Ark, Israel ruled by Kings, when Israel asks for a King, and Saul becoming a king. Discussed the Greeks at War, Greek Mythology, and colonies. Learned more about how things move, all of earth's motion, solar system, and start our reading on the Trojan Horse. D learned about the letter Rr, rocks, the wise man who built his house upon the rock, and learned how we need to listen and obey God. Unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
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