This week we will learn about David and Bathsheba, Absalom Rebels, King Solomon, and Israel. We will also learn about Osmosis, Diffusion, Vertebrates, Invertebrates, and the riches of Arabia. Will work on drawing thing inside and outside the house, shading, and definition. Little man will also learn all things foxes, the letter Xx, work on his penmanship, and reading.
Few of the books we used this week, couldn't make it to the library this week since we are fighting a cold, so used the ones in our library.
MV: Psalm 1
Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me.
~Psalm 119:98
~Proverbs 26:24-26, 28
~Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6
~Ephesians 6:11-12, 14-16
~2 Samuel 11-18
~1 Kings 2-10
~Psalm 23
Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me.
~Psalm 119:98
~Proverbs 26:24-26, 28
~Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6
~Ephesians 6:11-12, 14-16
~2 Samuel 11-18
~1 Kings 2-10
~Psalm 23

King Solomon bible reader
Solomon's Wise Decision and David and Bathsheba bible reader cards.
While I talked to the kids about wearing the full Armor of God they colored their worksheets.
Solomon worksheets and Armor of God coloring sheets, you can find these on True Way Kids website and the other on Pinterest, thought I saved the link but can't find it.
Greek word for the week: ASTRON (star).
Spelling and Language Arts workbook.
Reading practice
Handwriting practice, K is practicing writing in complete sentences and paragraphs, and D is writing his letters (upper and lowercase).
Learning about the letter Xx.
Workbook fun and letter Xx sound with his Leap Frog Magnet.
Building the letter Xx.
Putting several word puzzles together, I would have him spell each one and then we would sound the words out together.
Lots of fun letter Xx activities and worksheets.
Handwriting practice in the sand and then we sang the song "Do you know the X-Ray man?". The kids really enjoyed this song and can't wait to sing it to their dad. Printed the song from
DLTK Tech website.
Handwriting practice worksheets.
Used some of his foam letters to spell out some of his sight words, handwriting practice, and letter recognition.
Using his cuisenaire rods to complete his worksheets.
Calendar and weather chart, he loved wearing his fox ears and using his sister's fox puppet for everything.
This week we have been reviewing all the work we have done in the last several weeks. Fractions, multiplications, division, addition, and subtraction.
Reviewing all she has done, a refresher course.
Reviewing all she has done, a refresher course.
He did lots of addition this week and color recognition in Spanish.
Charts, pattern recognition, and addition problems.
Printed out this worksheet from Confessions of a Homeschooler, great for number and color recognition.
Last week we were suppose to complete this worksheet of locating Israel, but I completely forgot, so we added it to our lesson this week.
David and Bathsheba, David and Absalom, and Solomon's Wisdom, we ended up skipping the 2nd one (thought it was too much for the kids at the moment).
Lesson 38: Objects Around the House.
While I read them information on different types of fox and their habitats the kids colored in their own fox.
Read "Dr. Seuss Fox in Sock" and the kids colored and glued together their fox puppets. You can print these from Kindergarten Is Crazy website.
Lesson 39: Going Outside
Lesson 39: Going Outside

Printed out these prints from Super God Not Super Mom website, it was such a fun and cute activity to put together. Taped the bones worksheet to different areas in the house and had the kids search for them. Then they had to circle the letters on their diagnosis sheets. I walked around with little man and had him tell me the letters he saw, great way to review his letters.
The kids kept saying how much fun this activity was and how they look forward to doing it again. Glad I placed the Diagnosis worksheets in page protectors.
In and Out Experiment, placed the egg in a bowl of vinegar for several hours.
After about 4 hours in vinegar we removed the egg and cleaned it under water. It was really cool to see how the egg turned into rubber once I rubbed off the outer shell. Can't tell by the picture but we could see the inside of the egg.
Kids couldn't believe how the egg turned into rubber, K said it felt so weird and abnormal, D loved it.
The third step of this activity the kids placed several drops of blue food coloring into a bowl and then added water to it. Wanted to make sure the egg would be completely covered so I transferred the water into the measuring cup. Left it there for 2 hours before we removed it.
After 2 hours we removed the egg from the water, the kids enjoyed bouncing the egg like a bouncy ball. Cut the egg open, much to my surprise the egg kind of exploded. The skin (outer membrane) of the egg felt like a rubber ball or like D said like skin.
Bouncing the egg.
Animal Habitat by dividing them into 3 categories: AIR, LAND, and WATER.
Internal and External Support Experiment with Jell-O.
Had 3 jello bowl, one had toothpicks in it (represent bones in the body), one with nothing inside it (regular jello), and the third one was wrapped with aluminum foil (represent an outer shell).
Kids had to try to smash all three jellos to see which one had more protection or harder to smash.
Life cycle of a Jelly Fish.
Also added "Disney Robin Hood" and "VeggieTales King George and the Ducky".
Finished the Story of Handel and listened to #23 Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini (Variation no. 18).
Watched several documentaries on foxes via Amazon Prime, and several movies "The Fox and Hound 1 &2".
Also added "Disney Robin Hood" and "VeggieTales King George and the Ducky".

This week we celebrated our Larry Boy's 7th birthday. He's been such a great addition to our family. He gets into everything, constantly trying to climb things he shouldn't, always bothering his brother Zeus, and loves knocking over everything the kids build.
This week there was no field trip, unless you count an ER visit. The kids had Influenza A. Nothing fun at all, pray they recover fast. Hate seeing our babies sick.
Since they were sick they couldn't go outside to play with their friends, trying not to spread the flu. Their friends actually sat outside and talked to them through the window to keep them company. They even played hide and seek, they have been blessed with some wonderful neighbors. We will be so sad when they move in the summer.
This week we learned about David and Bathsheba, Absalom Rebels, King Solomon, and Israel. We also learned about Osmosis, Diffusion, Vertebrates, Invertebrates, and the riches of Arabia. Worked on drawing things inside and outside the house, shading, and definition. Little man also learned all things foxes, the letter Xx, worked on his penmanship, and reading. Towards the end of the week the kids and me ended up pretty sick but managed to complete our lesson. Pray next week we will have a better week and be back to our normal selves. Unto next week to see what adventures our in store for us.
This week we learned about David and Bathsheba, Absalom Rebels, King Solomon, and Israel. We also learned about Osmosis, Diffusion, Vertebrates, Invertebrates, and the riches of Arabia. Worked on drawing things inside and outside the house, shading, and definition. Little man also learned all things foxes, the letter Xx, worked on his penmanship, and reading. Towards the end of the week the kids and me ended up pretty sick but managed to complete our lesson. Pray next week we will have a better week and be back to our normal selves. Unto next week to see what adventures our in store for us.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
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