This week we will learn about how Saul tries to kill David, Jonathan warning David, when David runs from Saul, Abigail, and how David spares Saul life. Will continue reading Homer, learn how to draw dragons and start keeping an art journal. Learn where the stars go during the day and the brightness of the sun. Little man will learn the letter Bb, study all things butterfly, how God can make us new, and learn about Zacchaeus.
Few of the books we used this week, so glad we had the "Butterflies and Moths" book, it was an amazing add to our studies.
Memory Verse: Psalm 1
~God can make me new.
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17
~Ephesians 4:22, 24-26, 28-29, 32
~Luke 19:1-9
~Colossians 3:9b-10, 12-14
~1 Samuel 19, 25, 26
~Psalm 23, 59, 25:1-4, 8, 37:1-4
~God can make me new.
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17
~Ephesians 4:22, 24-26, 28-29, 32
~Luke 19:1-9
~Colossians 3:9b-10, 12-14
~1 Samuel 19, 25, 26
~Psalm 23, 59, 25:1-4, 8, 37:1-4
Saul turns against David and the story of David and Abigail.
Greek word for the week: LITHOS (stone).
Read a few of her books.
Read them about the painting "Belshazzar's Feast by Rembrandt", while they observed the painting and then we had a discussing on the painting.
Read the story of "The Boy and the Robbers", great lesson on always telling the truth.
Reading one of her many books, her love for reading is growing.
Working on the letter for the week "Bb".
Observing his picture cards for the letter Bb.
Handwriting practice and number recognition.

Started teaching little man how to count money, we used our Melissa & Doug set Money kit to help with teaching him.

Started teaching little man how to count money, we used our Melissa & Doug set Money kit to help with teaching him.
None for this week.
Discussed the gods of Ancient Greece and then finished the worksheet and looked over several pictures of the gods. I got the pictures from
Research Parent website.
While I read the story of Zacchaeus the kids glued green tissue papers on their tree. Got this cute idea from Faith Sprouts website.
Read the story of David & Saul, got these coloring sheets from Teachers Pay Teachers website.
Research Parent website.
While I read the story of Zacchaeus the kids glued green tissue papers on their tree. Got this cute idea from Faith Sprouts website.
Read the story of David & Saul, got these coloring sheets from Teachers Pay Teachers website.
Read and observe the painting "St. Michael's Fight against the Dragon" by Albrecht Durer. Then the kids drew their own version of a dragon.
Lesson 35: Keeping an Art Journal
Painted their wooden butterflies which went great with the lesson of the week.
Lesson 35: Keeping an Art Journal
Painted their wooden butterflies which went great with the lesson of the week.
Learning the Life cycle of a Butterfly.
Observed the butterfly life cycle set we have and then made his own cycle out of his blocks.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses Experiment.
Making their own eclipses.
Apparent Brightness Experiment
Apparent Brightness Experiment was a lot of fun, at least for me.
His version of the life cycle of a butterfly.
~Stage 1: Eggs
~Stage 2: Caterpillar
~Stage 3: Pupa
~Stage 4: Butterfly
While watching "The very hungry caterpillar" on YouTube little man punched holes on the foods the caterpillar was eating.
Overwhelming Light Experiment
To go with our lesson on constellation I had the kids make their own star patterns on their paper.
Went into the laundry room to see the kids constellation pattern.
They did such a great job on their constellations.
Bought this cute butterfly at Dollar Tree, the kids really had fun with this.
Cute video of the kids with the butterfly.
Loving his butterfly I got from Dollar Tree.
Watched "The Magic School Bus: Butterfly and the Bog Beast" Season 2 Episode 3.

YouTube video: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle
Listened to and watched some videos on YouTube on: "The Best of Bach: Mass in B Minor (Gloria) & Mass in B Minor (Dona Nobis Pacem)" and "Say Hello to Classical Music: Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty Ballegt Suite (Panorama)".
Watched "The Magic School Bus: Butterfly and the Bog Beast" Season 2 Episode 3.

YouTube video: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle
Listened to and watched some videos on YouTube on: "The Best of Bach: Mass in B Minor (Gloria) & Mass in B Minor (Dona Nobis Pacem)" and "Say Hello to Classical Music: Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty Ballegt Suite (Panorama)".
Finally took our first trip to the library after moving here. The kids were excited to see how big the library was and all the stuff they have.
This week we learned about how Saul tried to kill David, Jonathan warned David, when David ran from Saul, Abigail, and how David spared Saul's life. Continued reading Homer, learned how to draw dragons and started keeping an art journal. Learned where the stars go during the day and the brightness of the sun. Little man learned the letter Bb, studied all things butterfly, how God can make us new, and learn about Zacchaeus. Now unto next to see what adventures are in store for us.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
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