Friday, April 10, 2020

MFW: CtG and Gods Creation Week 26

MFW: Creation to the Greek and God's Creation from A to Z Week 26

This week we will learn about Elijah and the still small voice, India Caste System, Hinduism, Elisha, Naboth's Vineyard, Buddhism, when Elijah was taken in a whirlwind, Christ at the Sea of Galilee, and about India.  Learn a new Greek word: chronons (time), Birds, water to air, and waterproofing feathers.  Throughout the week we will celebrate Passover and Easter.  Little man will work on the letter Qq, all things birds especially quails, addition, and subtraction. 


Books we used this week.


Memory Verse: Psalm 1 

~I don't grumble or complain; I am thankful.

~Philippians 2:14-16a

~Numbers 11:4b-6

~Acts 16:24, 25-27

~Philippians 4:12b-13

~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

~1 Kings 19:1-18, 19:19-21

~2 Kings 2

~Galatians 3:26-28

~James 2:1-9

The Last Supper, Cross, and Jesus washes feet Bible Card.

Quail bible card, trust in God and don't grumble or complain, just be thankful.   

Kids made their own Easter Garden, the tomb was empty.

He has RISEN!

The kids placed these Easter cards in order while discussing each picture.  Got this from True Way Kids.

Working on some Elisha worksheets.

Used our Resurrection Eggs to discuss the Resurrection and the steps before and after it.  

Kids always love taking turn opening the eggs every step of the way.

Another worksheet from True Way Kids website, breaks down what each picture means in order for them to better understand the Resurrection.


Greek word this week: CHRONOS (time).

Spelling workbook and reading fun.

Lots of reading being done this week.

Read several chapters and did some spelling words quiz.

This week little man began his studies on the letter Qq.

Letter Qq activities and some light reading.

Fun worksheets for the letter Qq.

Handwriting practice 


Decimals and charts work.

More on decimals and word problems with charts.

Decimal word problems and chart problems.

Decimal multiplication

Subtraction worksheet and workbook.

Weather, calendar, and addition workbook.

Placing numbers in order and cutting practice.

Addition and Subtraction practice.


Added Elisha to our timeline this week.

Learning all about India, its culture, belief, and history.

Naboth's Vineyard and Elijah taken up to Heaven.


Lesson 88: Painting a Stone 

Lesson 42: Christ at the Sea of Galilee

Saw this cute idea online and just had to make our own for our family.  Believing and praying that this virus will be gone soon in Jesus name.  Love spending this time with my family and making great memories beside the circumstances. 

Bought some sun catchers at Dollar Tree for the kids to paint this weekend.  They came out so cute.  


A feather close up experiment.

Got one of out bird's feather and used it for our experiment, don't worry we didn't pluck her.  We got this feather from when she was molting, no bird was harmed during this experiment.  It was so neat to see her feather under a microscope.  Gives us a better understanding with how her feathers work.  

Compared her feather to Velcro.

A picture of our beautiful bird CoCo.

She's very loving when she is out of her cage, which is rare.  We leave the cage door open but she prefers to stay in her cage.  K is not keen on holding CoCo or having her near, she doesn't really like birds.  She had a bad experience with a cat clawing her when she was 4 and since then has stayed away from birds and cats.

Printed out this cute penguin worksheet from Teachers Pay Teachers website. The kids colored the picture, for the white part they used a white crayon and then used a spray bottle to spray water on the penguin.  This helped demonstrate how water repels off a feather.

Waterproof Toilet Paper Experiment 

Poured some oil in the glass jar and then some water on top of it.  Then the kids stirred them to try to combine the oil and water.   Of course it didn't combine.  Afterwards I poured some oil on a plate and K covered a square piece of toilet paper in it and then put it on top of the water.  D placed a regular square piece of toilet paper on top of the water.  The one covered in oil floated on top of the water and the other one went under water.  

Since we still had some oil left over on the plate I had the kids pour some soapy water in the oil.  It was neat to see the oil separate.  

Added some dish soap to the oil and water in the jar.  The kids then proceeded to mix the ingredients in the jar.  At first it looked like it all mix together, and then once it settled the oil raised back up top.  

Looked online to see what types of birds live here and we have actually seen several of these birds in our backyard.  

Pretending to fly like a bird.


Watched Sid the Science Kid to learn more on bird home and nest.

Watched a couple of Nature Shows on Netflix on birds.

Listened to "Say Hello to Classical Music: Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals (Birds) and The Best of Handel".

Went for a walk and bird watching around our neighborhood.  

Made bird feeders using our left over toilet paper rolls, peanut butter, and some of Coco's seeds.  Covered the rolls in peanut butter then rolled them in the bird seeds. 

Kids hung 6 bird feeders throughout the backyard.

They love using ABC Mouse for their extra school pratice.  

This week we learned about Elijah and the still small voice, India Caste System, Hinduism, Elisha, Naboth's Vineyard, Buddhism, when Elijah was taken in a whirlwind, Christ at the Sea of Galilee, and about India.  Worked on graphs word problems and decimals.  Learned a new Greek word: chronons (time), birds, water to air, and waterproofing feathers.  Throughout the week we celebrated Passover and Easter.  Little man worked on the letter Qq, all things birds especially quails, addition, and subtraction. 



Week 2

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10 

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16 

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23 

Week 24

Week 25

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