We have been looking forward to having a butterfly garden for the second time. Last time we had one was back in 2015. It was so exciting to finally be able to have the garden again. Ordered the garden to go with little man's studies of the letter Bb. Unfortunately we weren't able to order them when we did that lesson due to it being to cold plus we were in the middle of a move. Little man has been so involved with the whole process and has been asking so many

Butterflies arrived 3/12/2020

What better way to celebrate getting our butterfly garden then with some butterfly cakes.

They have been growing so fast.

They are very active and eating so much.

In their chrysalis stage, one of them didn't stay on the top but we are hoping it still makes it.
PALM SUNDAY 4/5/2020

4 of 10 of our butterflies emerged from their chrysalis. What a perfect day to emerge "Palm Sunday". Like a symbol of resurrection, hope, endurance, change, and life.
So happy to see some of the butterflies had finally emerged.

Painted Lady Butterflies are so beautiful. So far 7 out of 10 have emerged, we were outside when we came back in we saw 3 more had emerged, that was fast. Can't wait till the other 3 come out of their chrysalis.

We prayed last night that we would be able to see one of our butterflies emerge from their chrysalis. God answered our prayers this morning. Got to witness one emerge, such a beautiful experience. Now we have 8 out of 10 butterflies that have emerged.
Video of the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, excuse all the background noise it was a long process but so worth the wait. Such a wonderful experience to see this process take place.

Our little buddy that we witnessed emerging still hasn't been able to stretch his wings completely. We've prayed for him and hoping he fully recovers and is able to be released with his friends when the time comes.
Butterflies are finally enjoying their snacks.
It's become our daily routine to observe the butterflies and see how they've changed. Such a wonderful example of how God changes us daily but He never changes.

All 10 of our beautiful butterflies have emerged. Finally able to clean the habitat and They are enjoying all their space and food.
Observed one of the chrysalis under a microscope to get a closer look of it. It's so neat when we can magnify objects.
We lost another butterfly, not sure why. It was always on the oranges and would sleep next to the food and was flying just fine. Sad to have lost 2 but at least the other 8 are surviving and doing great.
Today we were planning on releasing the butterflies. Actually took them outside to let them go but it got very windy fast and the poor things stayed very close to us and couldn't fly in this weather. We brought them all back inside to try again tomorrow to see if the weather would be better.
Once we brought them back inside they all were so hungry, had a lot to drink. They were so exhausted from being outside for a few minutes.
The weather was perfect to release the butterflies. It was a bitter sweet day, we will miss them a lot but are happy to have had these days with them.
Love seeing them so relaxed around us and walking all over us. They didn't fly away fast.
Our lovelies hung around with us for awhile. God's beautiful creation made with perfection.
Pray they have a safe journey to where ever they need to be.
Little man loved filling out his butterfly book and telling us everything he learned from this wonderful experience.
We would observe the butterflies everyday and I would write down what we saw. D really didn't like having to write what he observed and would tell me instead. I wanted this experience to be a good for him so I really didn't push him into having to write everything down. K didn't mind writing in her journal, she actually looked forward to writing down everything she saw different each day.
Highly recommend everyone experience this first hand. Butterflies are a wonderful symbol of transformation and resurrection. They represent endurance, change, hope, and life.
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