Tuesday, December 4, 2018

MFW: ECC and K4 Week 24


We will finish our studies on India this week and learn about volcanoes, rocks, mountains, stone inlay, and more.  D will work on the letter Rr, review his numbers, shapes, and colors.  Lots of activities for this week which means this will be a very fun week.


Books on India 

Few books on volcanoes

Some books about rocks and minerals


Memory Verse:  So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

~Matthew 7:12

~Matthew 19:16-30

~Matthew 20:17-19

~Matthew 20:20-28

~Romans 12:1

~Zechariah 7:9

~John 13:14-15

Learned about Amy Carmichael and the wonderful works she accomplished.

Spelling words review

Some language arts and spelling work 

She's done a lot of independent reading this week, need to get her reading level better than it is.  Our main struggle with her, blessed she's doing great in all her other subjects.

Learning all about the letter Rr this week.

Had lots of helpers this week with dad helping him with his writing while I worked with K on her math and then K read him a book all about the letter R.

Handwriting practice and spelling his name.  So proud of him, that huge smile was him completing his name with no help.  


We started our Advent calendar (countdown to Christmas), this year we included an advent bible verse.  Love this great tradition, something we used to do when we were younger.

This week we celebrated our CoCo's 14th birthday, the kids counted down to her birthday and sang to her.  Blessed to have her in our lives for this long, praying for many more years.  

She's excited to have completed her Singapore Math 3A & 3B workbook, now to order the next level.  She loves math.

Reviewing what she has learned in math.

Placing the numbers in order and then counting from 1-10.

Added the correct number of blocks under each number.

Math worksheets

Daddy helping him with his math work, learning about greater than and less than.


Stone Inlay, kids made it out of playdoh due to not being to go out and buy some clay (which I actually thought we had some).  Looked up several pictures of how stone inlays are made and look like so they could get an idea of the craft.  

In her Global Arts class she made decorative eggs to go with her Russian theme of the day.

D made a stop light to go with his survival skills class.  He was excited to tell us the games his played and why its important to be safe when we are on the road.


Coloring her India flag

Made some India puppets 

Learning about Gonds people.


An isolated life and living in a mountain climate.

Few of the rocks we have from our collection, our collection is pretty big.

Observing some rocks

Making volcanoes

So much seeing how volcanoes erupt.

Preparing their volcano presentation for their science fair at our co-op.

Forming our volcano

The kids Volcano board to go with their presentation.

This week at co-op the theme was Survival Skills, in K's class she first learned about first aid and then made her own first aid kits and then we outside to the woods to build their own shelters.

Taught a basic first aid demonstration for the kids 

Learning the importance of knowing who to call in case of an emergency, and the need to know your address, phone number, and parents names.


Helping my group build a shelter in the woods, gotta say this was a very fun activity.

Our completed shelter with a flag and everything.

K's group even made a fire pit (pretend, no fire was involved), and a pretty big shelter.


Watched a short video on volcanoes on our Brain Pop app.

Their volcano erupting 

Magic School Bus  "Blows its top", learning about volcanoes.

Magic School Bus "Rocks and Rolls", learning about rock formation.

Wee Sing "Anilae"

Wee Sing "Kai Veechamma"


Went for a walk with my brother at one of our local park.

Our beautiful Princess

Our handsome Prince

Love seeing the wonders of God around us.

Finished our studies on India this week.  Learned a lot about their culture, people, and beliefs.  Also learned about volcanoes, how they form, the levels of it, and why they erupt.  Very neat project for the whole family.  Studied rocks and minerals, mountains, freezing point, and about Amy Carmichael.  Unto next week to start our studies on China.  



Getting Organized 

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10 

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15 

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19 

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

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