Monday, October 8, 2018

MFW: ECC and K4 Week 17


This week we will continue our studies on Germany.  Learn about rivers and lakes, telling time, and different artist in art and in music.  Also learn about pond skaters, surface tension, and horses.  We will also work on the letter Hh, numbers 1-20, colors, and shapes.


Books we used this week.

Several of the horse books we used for the letter Hh this week.


Memory Verse:  Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

~Matthew 6:19

~1 Timothy 4:12-16

~1 Peter 3:15b-16

~2 Corinthians 9:11

~Matthew 12:46-50

~Matthew 13:1-17

~Matthew 13:18-23

~Matthew 13:24-30

Learned about John Wesley the founder of Methodism.


Spelling words and language arts workbook.

Handwriting practice 

Reading her spelling words before getting quizzed on them.

Observing the painting "Anxiety" by Leon Olivie-Bon.

Handwriting practice 

Letter Hh practice

Hh is for handwriting 


100 Chart 

Word problems

Telling Time 

Working on telling Time

Worksheet Fun 

Concentrating hard on his worksheets.

Counting and coloring in by numbers.



"A Winter Storm" by Hendrick Avercamp born in the Netherlands who was deaf and mute.

Water painting 

Favorite part of the day is doing art work with the kids, such beautiful painting.

In Global Arts class we learned about Italy and Mosaic Art.

K made beautiful lines in different sequence patterns.

Outlined a shape of the Batman symbol in glue for D to place his crayon pieces on them.  He chose all the colors and love how it all came out.  He was very proud of his work.

All the completed work: of course I had to get in on the fun and made the middle Batman symbol.


Looking at different pictures of Germany in our Atlas book.

Also looked over pictures of the United Kingdom.

We observed some plates and plaques my parents gave me from when we lived in Germany.  So many wonderful memories.

Learned about the many wonderful things in London, kids couldn't stop saying they really wished they could go visit.

Printed off these worksheets of Stonehenge after we discussed how it's believed it was a calendar.  You can print your own copy on the Education website which has many other worksheets that goes with our studies.

Locating the rivers of the world.


After learning about Pond Skaters and Surface Tension we did several experiments that were in the teacher manual.  

We had some little bugs that stick to the wall that look a lot like pond skaters.  After watching several videos on YouTube about pond skaters we got our bugs to see if they would act the same and float on water.  D couldn't stop laughing seeing them float.

Kids loved observing the pictures while I read to them about rivers and lakes and the things that live by them.  

He did a puppet show for us using his Horse puppet.

This week D learned about Ants in his Bug Science class.


It was a very intense game and the girls all played hard and won.

His whole team played hard and even though they lost they did their very best.

Our nature walk this week it involved soccer practices and games.  Such a wonderful sport which takes lots of exercise to play.


Watched a video on Rivers and Lakes to go with our lesson this week, and also watched some videos on the Amazon River.  


Wee Sing: Swiss Hiking Song

Wee Sing: All my little ducklings


This week we went to Defy Gravity with one of our co-op groups.  I was very happy that my nephew could join us since he was in town for a bit.

So much fun watching them enjoy themselves.

You would of thought that after all the jumping they did for almost 2 hours they would of gone home and taken naps.  Not my kids all they did was want to play more, doesn't surprise me a bit.

We have been very busy this week learning lots of new things about Germany, rivers and lakes, pond skaters and surface tension, and how to tell time.  Also worked on the letter Hh, numbers 1-20, and reviewed our shapes.  Got a chance to also spend some time with my older nephew since he was in town for several days.  Love anytime we get to spend with our family while they are town.   Now unto next week to start our studies on Africa: Kenya.



Getting Organized 

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10 

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14 

Week 15

Week 16

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