We are back to school after taking a month and half off. Combining K-4 and ECC (3rd grade) this semester. I actually thought that it would be really hard to teach both, I've done basic classes with little man but nothing more direct like this time around. D has actually been liking the lessons so far, I pray his desire for learning only gets greater. K was excited to start her classes again and start learning about different cultures.
Our Kindergartener and 3rd grader.
Some of the books we used this week.
K MV: Jesus is the light of the world
ECC MV: For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
~John 3:16
D completed his creation unit book, love hearing him tell his dad all about his book he completed and what happened each day.
This time around K will be learning more about writing in cursive, she'll be practicing writing her spelling words and letters in cursive.
Practicing her cursive writing her letters Aa-Jj.
Learning how to use a dictionary and reading "Dick and Jane" stories.
At the end of each week we will do a spelling quiz.
Made these cute puppet badges for K when she did God's Creation Unit, worked great with her and now I'm happy that D gets to use them. Practicing writing the letter Ss in pebbles. D will have a composition book where he will keep all his arts and craft in starting with the letter S. He's been working so hard in learning how to write the letter S.
Identifying the pictures that start with the letter Ss, once he got to the skunk picture he said "Stinky Pants" and wouldn't stop laughing. This kid is so silly and took him forever to stop laughing about the picture, plus it didn't help that the picture of the snake looked like poop. Never a dull moment with this one.
D has been working on learning his name and identifying the letters. Love his determination and will to learn. Observing different S items that they found around the house.
Adding and Subtracting with three numbers.
Working writing his shapes, tracing, placing happy face stickers on his 100 chart and number one.
Coloring in the "Jesus loves all his children" worksheet for John 3:16 verse.
S is for stamps and sun.
Kids are excited to have their passports and get stickers for them when we visit different countries. Also found these cute passport books at our local Dollar Tree that goes great with our lessons. Second picture K is identifying the seven continents and oceans.
Several globes we will be using for our studies this year, identified her map worksheet: North, South, West, East, North Pole, South Pole, Equator, the 7 Continents, Northern Hemisphere, and South Hemisphere.
Identifying the 7 Continents, Northern Hemisphere & South Hemisphere, and the Equator.
Completed our "Backyard Habitat" worksheet, she loves to do her experiments outside.
Placed several objects on some construction paper and placed them on the table on the deck so the sun would shine on the paper. D liked to see the shadows on the paper after checking on the them several hours later. Completed his grapes turning into raisins, we didn't get to completely finish the experiment since the squirrels stole the rest of them.
Sundial Fun
Went to the bathroom and we observed the globe to demonstrate how the sun rotates Earth and gives light to certain areas.
Went to our local park for K's archery class, then walked around the park and learned about the different sand the park has and observed our surroundings.
K really loves her archery class and is getting really good.
The Continent Song to Yankee Doodle
North America, South America,
riding on a pony
Europe, Africa, Asia.
Stuck a feather in his hat and
kangaroos hop in Australia.
Called it macaroni
Penguins waddle in Antarctica.
7 Continents & 7 Continents Song.

Story time at our local library with our wonderful librarian "Mother's Day" theme.

Kids made Mother's Day cards and K wanted to give hers to Mrs. Jordan, I thought this was so sweet, we just love her.

End of the year party for our homeschool co-op group.
We have completed our first week and have really enjoyed in getting back to the switch of things. Looking forward to next week and see what adventures are in store for us.
Getting Organized
Story time at our local library with our wonderful librarian "Mother's Day" theme.
Kids made Mother's Day cards and K wanted to give hers to Mrs. Jordan, I thought this was so sweet, we just love her.
End of the year party for our homeschool co-op group.
We have completed our first week and have really enjoyed in getting back to the switch of things. Looking forward to next week and see what adventures are in store for us.
Getting Organized
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