Friday, October 26, 2018

MFW: ECC and K4 Week 19


This week we will continue our studies on Africa and learn more the culture and the people.  Talk about the grasslands and the animals that live in them.  Learn several parables in the bible.  We will work on multiplication and graphs.  D will learn about the letter Ee, review his numbers, colors, and learn about the triangle shape.


Books of the week

Books to go with our elephant theme of the week.


Memory Verse:  No one can serve two masters.  Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and Money.

~Matthew 6:24

~Matthew 13:53-58

~Matthew 14:1-12

~Matthew 14:13-21, 22-36

~James 3:18

~Matthew 7:7

~Hebrews 10:25

Learned about Samuel Morris an Evangelist from Africa.

Read about "Jesus feeds 5,000" and "Jesus walks on Water".

Jesus walks on water craft, got this idea on Adventures in Mommy Dom website.

Our "Jesus feeds 5,000" craft, got this cute idea from Crafting the Word of God .


Spelling words and workbook 

Poem and spelling word reading

Reciting her spelling words

Preparing for her spelling quiz.

Letter Ee fun 

Handwriting practice in the sand 

Practicing his name and the letter Ee


Graphs and addition 

Graphs and multiplication 

Graphs and word sentences

Learning the triangle shape and reviewing his numbers.

Counting pictures and addition 

Colors and shape reviews


In Global Arts class K learned about Greece 

Then the kids made their pictures using scratch off paper.

After reading the book "Elmer by David McKee" the kids colored in their own version of Elmer.

Learned about African Masks and then the kids made their own masks.

They all came out great 

Kids worked together on making a Drum using an oatmeal box. 

After collecting several nature items the kids made "Animal Abstracts", K made an elephant and D made a pig.


Colored in Kenya on our world map.

Few of our animals from the Coca-Cola Collection representing Africa.

Rilly the Gorilla from Rwanda, Masa the Lion from Mozambique, Crunch the Crocodile from Sudan, Topus the Zebra from Nigeria, and Clomp the Elephant from Kenya.

Ardie the Aardvark from Niger, Heeta the Cheetah from Namibia, Rhiny the Black Rhinoceros from Tanzania, Ramel the Camel from Egypt, and Masha the Ostrich from South Africa.

Had fun learning about a game called "Mancala" a popular game in Africa.


In his Bug Science class D learned about spiders and their life cycles.

After talking about the grasslands the kids searched for animals in their bin that live in the grasslands.

After searching for the animals they placed in their Grassland diorama.  

Once they completed their diorama the kids searched in their "Book of Animals" for the ones that lived in Hot and Dry climates.

The book "Elephants of Africa by Gail Gibbons" is a great book to go with the Elephant Experiment in the teachers manual.

Elephant Experiment: this was a neat experiment to see how elephants stay cool.

Grassland Plant and Meat Eaters

We all hate animal poaching, especially these precious animals.


Before K's soccer game the kids went searching for little frogs.

He was excited to have 3 in his hands.

She did awesome in her game today, the team won 2-1.  These girls play hard.

D was very focused today and play hard.  He told us he had a lot of fun today.


Found a new series on Africa on Netflix, we have really enjoyed watching them and highly recommend for anyone studying Africa.

Got a bit confused with the directions in the teacher's manual so we watched a video on "How to play Mancala" on YouTube.  We really enjoyed the game.


Wee Sing: Bebe Moke 


For story time the kids learned about pumpkins and fall.  

STEM project: baking soda and vinegar inside a pumpkin.

For their craft they made their own fall wreaths.

This week we continued our studies on Africa, learned about the grassland and all the plants and animals that are there.  Worked on graphs for math and finished our Language Arts book this week.  Got to order another one for K.  Also learned more on elephants, pumpkins, and really enjoyed all the arts and crafts we did this week.  Unto next week to finish our studies on Africa.



Getting Organized 

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10 

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15 

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

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