Sunday, November 4, 2018

MFW: ECC and K4 Week 20


This is our last week of our studies on Africa, life underground, and all things pumpkin.   Will learn about David Livingstone, multiplication, division, and more addition and subtraction fun.  


Books for the week 

Learned about David Livingstone and all the wonderful things he did for Africa.

Memory Verse:  No one can serve two masters.  Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and Money.  Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important that clothes?
~Matthew 6:24-25

~Matthew 15:1-20

~Matthew 15:21-28

~Matthew 15:29-39

~Matthew 16:1-4

~Romans 8:28

~Romans 12:3

~Hebrews 12:1


Working on some letter puzzles while I read to them.

Learning her spelling words, wrote them on dices so whenever she rolled them she would read them.

Spelling Workbook 

Reading fun 

Happy she is starting to like reading.

Reading to her brother, melts my heart so much.

Handwriting practice

Letter P handwriting practice

He was so happy to able to write the letter Pp perfectly.

Reviewing the letter Ee and practicing the letter Pp.


To go with the letter Pp we played with our pirate lapbook.  D would pick the number, K would pick the matching dots sail, and I would match the letter.  Worked on numbers 1-12.

Graph and multiplication practice

Addition and subtraction word problems

Multiplication practice

She's done amazing with getting the hang of multiplication and division.

Number patterns, colors, and matching worksheets

Thinking skills worksheets

Introducing money identification

Number Review and learning how to tell time.


Ilukeres Fly Whisks, kids really had fun pretending they were blowing the mosquitos away.

This week we learned more about pumpkins and so the kids made pumpkin stamps using apples I cut in half.  They gave their art work to their grandparents.

Made pictures using their pumpkin seeds and then D placed a few pumpkins in order by size from smallest to biggest and biggest to smallest.


Made a dance with her African mask she made last week.

Learning about the fastest route missionaries would make and then played the geography game.


Sweet Potato Experiment

Life Underground in Africa

Learning about the "Pumpkin Life Cycle".

For our pumpkin lessons this week we observed several pumpkins at my in-laws house that was growing in their backyard.

Mixed some baking soda and water in our pumpkin silicone tray and then froze them overnight.  The next day gave the kids a cup of water for them to pour over the pumpkins and watch them fizz.

My mom came over and carved the pumpkin and then the kids observed the inside of it.

I poured about 2 cups of baking soda inside the pumpkin while K and D took turns pouring vinegar inside the pumpkin to watch it spit out the pumpkins mouth.


D had a blast playing soccer this weekend, his team won 5-2.

K did a great job in her game and her team won 2-1.

This week K's team had their celebration and got their metals.  It was a bitter sweet moment since this was our last year with her coach after 3 years.  Her and her family are moving and will be missed greatly.


Watched "Black Panther", I know its all fake but the kids got excited when they found it was done in a pretend city in Africa.  We've watched it several time before but it seemed to be more exciting this time around.


Wee Sing "Bebe Moke"


Went to Washington D.C. for my husband's job and the kids and I took advantage of it and explored the museums there.  One of them had a display of the types of animals you would find in Africa.  Best way to finish our studies of Africa.

Observing giraffes and other animals at the watering hole.

My brother bought the kids a dinosaur kit which they could build 3 different dinosaurs.  It was so much fun seeing it come together each time.

Finished our studies on Africa this week, it has so much fun learning all we could on Africa.  Learned about pumpkins, it's life cycle, observed the inside of a pumpkin, and got to have some fun with pumpkin seeds.  Reviewed all we saw on our trip to Washington D.C. the week before, loved seeing the animals in Africa displays.  We have learned so much about Africa and will always keep the missionaries in our prayers for their safety.



Getting Organized 

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10 

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15 

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18 

Week 19

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