Friday, February 22, 2019

MFW: ECC and K4 Week 33


This week we will start our studies on Antarctica.  We'll study all about penguins, icebergs, difference between Arctic and Antarctica, and many animals and plants that live there.  Work on letters, numbers, and learning his name with little man.  Study the bible and learn more about the days before Jesus died on the cross.


Few of the books we used this week.

Learned about Judas, Pontius Pilate, the Anointed One, and the meaning behind the cross.

Memory Verse:  "and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
~Matthew 28:20

~Matthew 27:62-66

~Matthew 28:1-10

~Matthew 28:11-15

~Matthew 28:16-20

Lots of reading going on this week.

Spelling words and handwriting practice.

Reading her spelling words and completing her workbook.

Reviewing her spelling words before getting quizzed.

Handwriting practice letters A-F

Introduction to letter the Gg.

Handwriting practice and placing the letters A-G in order.

Sounding out each letter and placing them in order.


Multiplication and Division work.

She has really enjoyed these workbooks which I found at Dollar Tree.  Who knew I would find these there, it has helped her better understand multiplication and division.

She is zooming through these workbooks now.

Handwriting practice numbers 0-5 and identifying them.

Placing numbers 0-10 in order.

Puzzle and book fun during Sunday School.


Crystal Watercolor Snowflake

Soap Snow which we actually modified and instead made snow by mixing 1/2 cup of Conditioner and 2 cups of baking soda.  It's cold to the touch and smells so good.

Another art project we modified was the Sweet Snow Sculpture.  We used plastic cups and glued them to a paper plate and then covered the cups in cotton balls.  Kids built a smaller version of an igloo with more cotton balls.  K made hers the Arctic and D made his Antarctica.  They came out so good and the best thing they can keep them to play with anytime.  

Like being able to modify the art projects in ways the kids could enjoy them for longer and not feel like we are wasting materials.  


Ready to go to Antarctica 

Plane Tickets

Pointing Antarctica out

Learning all about Antarctica.

Filling in the oceans and different areas on and around Antarctica.


Searching for the animals that live in Antarctica.

It was raining small balls of ice (hail) and the kids loved going outside and trying to catch as many as possible before it melted.

The Antarctic and Polar Regions

Iceberg Experiment 

Kids colored their penguins with crayons making sure the whole penguin was completely covered, then they sprayed the penguin with water.  They observed how the water would roll off the bird and drip off the paper.  Great way to see how penguins stay dry.

Penguin staying dry experiment 

Penguin Experiment with vegetable shortening.

Comparing Arctic and Antarctic

Globe Demonstration to demonstrate the Polar Seasons.

Printed this really neat worksheet on Antarctica from  Great way to add to our studies for the week.


Had a break in the weather so we spent some time at the park.

Lots of climbing 

My babies 


Watched several documentaries on the Antarctica and about Penguins.

Added these wonderful movies for our studies this week.


Wee Sing: Nani Wale Na Hala


This week at our co-op the theme was "Career Day" and the kids dressed up and gave a presentation to what they want to do for their career.  K wants to be a Paleontologist and D wants to be a Police Ninja.


Future Paleontologist        Future Police Ninja

Theme this week at the library was Farm Animals.

This week we finished our studies on Antarctica.  We studied all about penguins, icebergs, the difference between Arctic and Antarctica, and many animals and plants that live there.  We did a lot of science experiments and art projects.  It has been a wonderful week of learning and fun.  Unto next week where we will review all the countries we have studied this year.  Can't believe how fast we have gotten to the end of our Exploring Countries and Culture Curriculum, it definitely has been awesome with loads of learning.  



Getting Organized 

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10 

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15 

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19 

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24 

Week 25

Week 26

Week 27

Week 28

Week 29

Week 30

Week 31

Week 32

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