This week we will be learning about California, Santa Fe Trail, Oregon Trail, and California trail, liquids and gases and fizz.
Here are a few of the books we used this week.
Memory verse: ". . . the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
~Matthew 20:28

~Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12
~Philippians 2:6-11

Reading a story to her brother "Go Dog Go!" by Dr. Seuss

Mia and the tiny toe shoes

Working on her Language and Spelling workbooks

Working on some spelling together, he loves joining his sister for school.

Writing practice

Working on word problems.

Coloring in the Oregon Trail and California Trail

Santa Fe Trail

Working on coloring in her map and her state worksheet.
None for this week

Kids made decorative paper with shaving cream and food coloring to make a Valentine card for their dad.

Decorated their Valentine bags for their Valentine's Party at their homeschool co-op.

Time for experiment fun

Learning about fizz through experimenting, added some baking soda to very hot water and watched as the baking soda fizzed when it got hot.

Pictures don't show it very well but the baking soda fizzed as soon as we poured it into the very hot water.

Gas experiment using balloons, a jar, baking soda, and vinegar. We poured some vinegar into the jar and then poured some baking soda into the balloons. Then we stretched the neck of the balloon on to the top of the jar without spilling any baking soda into the jar. Once the balloon was on the jar the kids then lifted the balloon so the baking soda could drop into the jar. As soon as the baking soda fell into the vinegar (reacted) the carbon dioxide gas filled the balloon, filled it up a little. The kids were very surprised with this experiment.

The kids wanted to continue with the fizz experiment so we made volcanoes, they even wanted to wear their first.

This experiment never gets old, always so much fun.

Fun outside while visiting some friends who are more like family.
Watched some Magic School Bus & Cat in the Hat videos on liquids and gases.

At our 4H homeschool group we finished discussing soil and sand substrates

Little man has a few spinach seeds in his hands which he places in his and his sister's pots to take home.
This week we learned about California, how a blacksmith worked, the end of the Santa Fe Trail, Oregon Trail and the California Trail. Also learned about liquids and gases and fizz.
Week 15
Week 16
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 24
Week 25
Memory verse: ". . . the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
~Matthew 20:28
~Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12
~Philippians 2:6-11
Reading a story to her brother "Go Dog Go!" by Dr. Seuss
Mia and the tiny toe shoes
Working on her Language and Spelling workbooks
Working on some spelling together, he loves joining his sister for school.
Writing practice
Working on word problems.
Coloring in the Oregon Trail and California Trail
Santa Fe Trail
Working on coloring in her map and her state worksheet.
None for this week
Kids made decorative paper with shaving cream and food coloring to make a Valentine card for their dad.
Decorated their Valentine bags for their Valentine's Party at their homeschool co-op.
Time for experiment fun
Learning about fizz through experimenting, added some baking soda to very hot water and watched as the baking soda fizzed when it got hot.
Pictures don't show it very well but the baking soda fizzed as soon as we poured it into the very hot water.
Gas experiment using balloons, a jar, baking soda, and vinegar. We poured some vinegar into the jar and then poured some baking soda into the balloons. Then we stretched the neck of the balloon on to the top of the jar without spilling any baking soda into the jar. Once the balloon was on the jar the kids then lifted the balloon so the baking soda could drop into the jar. As soon as the baking soda fell into the vinegar (reacted) the carbon dioxide gas filled the balloon, filled it up a little. The kids were very surprised with this experiment.
The kids wanted to continue with the fizz experiment so we made volcanoes, they even wanted to wear their first.
This experiment never gets old, always so much fun.
Fun outside while visiting some friends who are more like family.
Watched some Magic School Bus & Cat in the Hat videos on liquids and gases.
At our 4H homeschool group we finished discussing soil and sand substrates
Little man has a few spinach seeds in his hands which he places in his and his sister's pots to take home.
This week we learned about California, how a blacksmith worked, the end of the Santa Fe Trail, Oregon Trail and the California Trail. Also learned about liquids and gases and fizz.
Week 15
Week 16
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 24
Week 25
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