This week we will learn about Benjamin Franklin, Jesus being our ROCK, composition of the earth, and the story of Tchaikovsky.

Some of the books we used this week.
Memory Verse: "Therefore everyone who hears the words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."
~Matthew 7:24

Jesus is our ROCK
~Psalm 94:22
~Psalm 95:1-5

"Dear Dragon goes to the Zoo" by: Margaret Hillert

"Dear Dragon grows a Garden" by: Margaret Hillert

"Dear Dragon goes to the Dentist" by: Margaret Hillert

"Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a tree" by: Eileen Christelow

Working on her new spelling words and her spelling worksheet

Learning the meaning and difference between the words: two, to, and too.

Working on the second part of her spelling worksheet and retelling the story of "The Lion and the Fox".

Spelling words review.

Working on Fractions and addition

More fraction practice and subtraction work

Graph and time learning

Multiplication and more telling time practice.

Learning about Benjamin Franklin and all the wonderful things he had done.

Added Benjamin Franklin picture to our timeline this week.

Drawing criss cross and completing shoe laces for the boot.

Free style drawing

Observing some gems and stones that they searched in the sand for.

Helping her brother identify some gems and stones.

Stacking stone practice

Stacking stone

Their finished projects

Painting some of her stones

Went outside and enjoyed this beautiful weather. Even our little bearded dragon Larry enjoyed getting some sun outside.

Cloud searching and running around with their ribbons.

Enjoying identifying clouds

No better way to enjoy nature then to get covered in it, princess mud girl.


Liberty Kids

After finishing all their school work the kids enjoyed playing with their kinetic sand kits.

Concentrating so hard on their work

Operating on BB-8

Wet head fun they love anything dealing with water.

Kids were excited to complete their reading program for the summer and win lots of prizes and get a certificate.

One of their prizes was some Lego: Police Man and Racecar Driver.
It has been a fun week learning about Benjamin Franklin, composition of the earth, Jesus is our ROCK, and the story of Tchaikovsky. Now unto next week and see what's in store for us.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 6
Week 7
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