This week we will focus on the meaning of the name of JESUS, graphing, word problems, Christopher Columbus, and the American Pioneers. Also learn about AIR and whether we can see it or not.

Few of the books we used this week.

Matthew 1: 18-21

Learning the meaning of JESUS, we taped our poster board to the wall to continue to add the names each time we finish a new one.
~Matthew 1:18-21
~Genesis 3:13-15
~Isaiah 53:4-5
~Isaiah 53:11-12
~Micah 5:2
~Isaiah 9:6

"On the Farm" by Kristen Hall

"Daniel Plays at School" by Becky Friedman

"One by One" by Mickey Daniels

"The Penguins are going on Vacation" by Catherine Blittner

Reading over her spelling words for the week

Reciting a poem

Cursive handwriting the letters Cc & Dd

Finishing her spelling worksheets and working on her spelling words

Cursive handwriting the letters Ee and Ff

Spelling words practice

Cursive handwriting the letters Gg and Hh

Cursive handwriting the letters Ii and Jj

Handwriting practice letters Aa - Jj

Reviewing last week's spelling words and this weeks

Working on graphs and word problems

Counting and word problems

Graph practice

Graphing and more word problems.

We talked about Christopher Columbus and the 3 ships he used to sail the sea: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Marie. Made the these cute ships and we taped them together and then she wrote the name of the ships on the sail. On the blue construction paper she made waves using a white crayon. I got the template for the ships from
Crayola website.

Copying down a sentence and looking over the pictures in the book after reading about Christopher Columbus.

Taking practice test after reading about the Pioneers

Added Columbus card this week to our timeline.

Drew a log cabin

Drawing stick figures

Hot dog figures, she thought it was very funny making hot dog shapes for their bodies.

Practice making Rectangular people
This week we discussed AIR and whether or not it is all around us. We enjoyed several different experiments to see if we could feel or see air.

Fanning themselves to see if they could feel air.

Laid two papers down on the floor and placed two rulers, one was the starting point and the other finish point. Gave the kids some straws to blow the papers to the finish line. It was fun watching them blow the paper.

Got this wonderful idea from The Dad Lab . Placed a rubber glove over a cup and tied it with a rubber band. Made a hole on the side of the cup and inserted a straw through the hole so the kids could blow into it. Once they blew into the glove it would expand. This is such a fun and entertaining experiment.

Made a rocket balloon: tied a yarn from one chair to the other, first we placed the yarn through a straw before we tied it to the chair. Then filled a balloon but didn't tie the end just had her hold the end tight, and then taped it to a straw. We noticed that the smaller the balloon the faster it would go.

Filled a plastic tub with water and had the kids see if there was air in the bottle. As they pushed the bottle under water they could see bubbles come up, which demonstrated air.

Scientific Method worksheet

The kids explored under objects around the flower bed to find what creatures they would find. Found rolly polly, snails, worms, water beetles, and also saw lots of butterflies, bees, and nasty wasps, and of course birds.

Took the kids to go strawberry picking at one of our local farms: Gillis Hill Farm

Went with my parents and brother who was in town this week.

After picking strawberries we went to the explore the farm after eating some ice cream.

Such a beautiful farm, can't believe my dad has never explored this farm.

Her completed nature walk worksheet

Watched the Magic School Bus (S4 E3) "Goes on Air" to go with our science theme.

Took the kids to the Museum of the Cape Fear to get some hands on experience about the pioneers and learn about history.

Touching some cotton, looking at a weaving machine, and other machines that were used back then.

Learning about the confederate solider's and union solider's

Her field trip worksheet, she would tell me what to write.
This week we learned about the meaning of the name of JESUS, graphing, word problems, Christopher Columbus, and the American Pioneers. Also learned about AIR and whether we can see it or not. Love reading the history of the United States. Looking forward to what we will learn next week.
Organizing the curriculum Week 1
Week 1
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