This week we will learn about Rhode Island, Vermont, and Daniel Boone. We will work on several air and water experiments.
Few of the books we used this week.
Memory Verse: "...they will call him Immanuel" - which means, "God with us."
~ Matthew 1:23
~Isaiah 7:14
~Romans 8:38-39
Our Memory Verse wall
City Fun by Margaret Hillert
Can't remember the title of the story she was reading :(
She read the cards and then matched them to their pictures
Away go the Boats by Margaret Hillert
Working on her spelling and reading workbook
Writing her memory verse on her worksheet
Learning about time
Fractions and Money Counting
Coloring her state worksheets and our bearded dragon (Larry Boy) wanted to join us in our studies.
Added Daniel Boone to the timeline
This was an art and science project, she had to do a report for her 4H group and she choose "The Honey Bee".
Getting colder experiment
Placed the ince in the plastic bottle and then screwed on the lid. Her and her brother shook the bottle and watched the ice cool the air inside. Once the air cooled the bottle's side started going inward so no empty space was left inside. It was a really neat experiment.
A Jumping Coin Experiment
They were excited to see how the warm water heated the air inside the bottle making the coin move upward.
Changing Size and Disappearing dent experiment, this experiment didn't work for us. We tried it several times but no success.
Went to our local park for our Nature Walk, it was such a beautiful day.
We observed how nature was changing through the leaves.
Searched for different types of bugs and animals in the stream.
My little Nature Boy
When did she get so big, my little model.
Went with our church group to Gallberry Corn Maze, it was so much fun sharing this time with the youth group.
Kids went down the slide and got covered in baby powder, bouncing around in the corral.
Loved petting the farm animals and playing in the corn room.
Some cool kids.
Kids enjoyed the Harvest Fest at my parents church
Workers were dressed as the fruits of the spirit
Their favorite part was getting to ride the ponies
This week we learned about Rhode Island, Vermont, Daniel Boone and did several experiments of air and water. Got to enjoy lots of outdoor time and made some wonderful memories.
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