This week we will work on learning about taking care of our body and being healthy.

Some of the books we used this week

At our co op this week we learned about exercising which is very important in staying healthy. It was so cute watching the kids do exercise.

Went outside to enjoy the wonderful weather and get some energy out.

After playing outside with our friends we sat down and enjoyed a picnic.

One of our go to snack is a banana, which he chose to use as a phone. I remember doing the same thing when I was younger.

Went to the library for our weekly story time and got to enjoy some new items the library has added. Here he is counting and placing the elephants in their correct order.

Working on matching the heads with their correct tails.

Learning about foxes for story time

Some science fun making raisins dance

Kids made foxes out of paper plates for craft time, we then added some craft sticks when we got home to use them as puppets.
This week we learned about taking care of our bodies, eating healthy, exercising, and learned about foxes as a bonus.
Previous Post
Week 10 (Gg, #7, Review Colors & Shapes) Sense of Sight
Week 11 (Hh, #8, Purple, Diamond) Sense of Smell
Week 12 (Ii, #9, Brown, Rectangle) Sense of Taste
Week 16 (Mm, #13, Rainbow, Arch) Noah's Ark
Week 17 (Nn, #14, White, Cube) Snow & Ice
Week 18 (Oo, #15, Orange, Sphere) Joseph
Week 19 (Pp, #16, Blue, Sphere) Water
Week 20 (Qq, #17, Brown, Rectangular Prism) Sink and Float
Week 21 (Rr, #18, Grey, Cone) Boats
Week 22 (Ss, #19, Pink, Cylinder) Water's Skin
Week 23 (Tt, #20, Green, Circle) Cloud
Week 24 (Uu, #21, Purple, Square) Mixing
Week 25 (Vv, #22, Red, Oval) Water Power
Week 26 (Ww, #23, Blue, Rhombus) Taking in Water
Week 27 (Xx, #24, White, Cube) Frozen Water
Week 28 (Yy, #25, Yellow, Hexagon) Seeds
Week 29 (Zz, #26, Pink, Square Pyramid) Color Combination
Week 30 Plants and Water
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