Some of the things we picked for our Qq unit.

Kanani was telling me which are her favorite birds. Her favorite is the Blue Jay.

Great books we used for this unit. Love learning about all the different types of birds.

Practicing her handwriting, cursive, and writing in her salt tray.

Working on her rod worksheet, identifying the pictures that start with the letter Qq, and reading her little booklet.

Finishing her cut and paste, sight words, blend ladder, and drawing worksheets.

Reading her small booklet again, these little books have helped to give her confidence to read more. Learning about the short i sound.

Subtracting worksheet

Learning about tally marks in her Math U See worksheets.

Drew a small love quail for Kanani to color in and then glue the quail on her pink paper.

Read over the memory versus "I don't grumble or complain; I am thankful." and then we cut out a quail to hide in the grass.

Drew the letter Q to look like a quail for Kanani to color in using paint and q-tips. She wanted it to blue so it could look like the California Quail.

Made her a little quail in a egg with the versus for her to remember each time she plays with it. I wanted to put it on a clothes pin but it just didn't work out, she loved using the craft sticks. Kanani said it was a lot easier to play with the craft sticks instead of the clothes pin.

We talked about bird wings and then Kanani pretended to fly. Zeus kept jumping up on her each time she pretended to fly, he is a hunting breed so I kept telling her he was hunting her because he thought she was a real bird. She couldn't stop laughing, such a silly puppy.

Made bird feeders using pipe cleaners and cheerios, one very easy activity to do with the kids of all ages. Little man loved this activity since he was able to eat some cheerios while making the feeders.

Found a quail card in our Beginners Bible card set. Learning that God will always provide for us the same way he always provides the birds for what they need.

We looked at different pictures of quail on the computer and fell in love with the California Quail. It has such vibrant colors and that blue is just awesome.

Read about quails and general information on birds.

Sid the Science Kid season 1 episode 27, Wild Kratts season 1 episode 17 and 19, we also watched the cute movie Rio.
la codorniz (quail)
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.
~Philippians 2:14-16
By: Cecil Francis Alexander
All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.
The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset and the morning,
That brightens up the sky;
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one:
The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
We gather every day;
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.
Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals (Birds)

Our beautiful cock-a-tiel CoCo, he has been with us for 9 years. Very gentle bird just a bit lazy. He prefers to walk around the house instead of flying. Loves to eat off our plates and is very noisy. His favorite thing to do is look at himself in the mirror. He's the first cock-a-tiel I have that doesn't sing or mimic. He's pretty quiet and only makes noise when he hears someone outside or wants more attention.
This week we learned about quails and a review about birds. I say review due to learning about birds in Unit 5: Nest. We enjoyed going outside and trying to identify as many birds as we could. Another great lesson was to always be grateful for what we have and not complain or whine. God has always provided for us with exactly what we need and will always provide for us the same way he provides for the birds.
Letter V
Unit 24: Vegetable
Letter X
Unit 23: Fox
Letter F
Unit 22: Frog
Letter B
Unit 21: Butterfly
Letter J
Unit 20: Jewel
Letter R
Unit 19: Rock
Letter Z
Unit 18: Zebra
Letter K
Unit 17: Kangaroo
Letter P
Unit 16: Penguin
Letter E
Unit 15: Elephant
Letter H
Unit: 14 Horse
Letter C
Unit 13: Cow
Letter G
Unit 12: Goat
Letter I
Unit 11: Insect
Letter W
Unit 10: Water
Letter O
Unit 9: Octopus
Letter D
Unit 8: Dinosaur
Letter U
Unit 7: Us
Letter T
Unit 6: Turtle
Letter N
Letter A
Letter L
Letter M
Creation Unit and Letter S
Creation Unit and Unit 1: Sun Classical Music Composers
Say Hello to Classical Music
Curriculum Organization