This week we will learn about George Washington, Four Seasons, and more on Jesus being the rock in our lives. We will also learn about Sarah Whitcher's Story and the song of Yankee Doodle.

A few of the books we used this week.
Memory Verse: "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."
~Matthew 7:24

Jesus is the ROCK of our lives

"I listen and obey, I build my life on Jesus."
~2 Samuel 22:1-4
~Isaiah 26:3-4
~Psalm 62

"Up, Up, Up, Dear Dragon" by: Margaret Hillert

"It's Spring Dear Dragon" by: Margaret Hillert

"Dear Dragon gets a hole-in-one" by: Margaret Hillert

Learning her new set of spelling words this week.

Working on her spelling worksheet and retelling the story "Saved".

Reviewing her spelling words and working on copying some sentence from her English workbook.

Finishing her spelling worksheet and filling in some sentences with the words was and were.

Counting by groups of 10 and ones

Counting groups of objects

Addition, subtraction, and multiplication practices.

Identifying George Washington on 25 cents and dollar bill.

Her Tricorn Hat like George Washington wore.

Retelling what she learned on George Washington

Read the whole of Sarah Whitcher in a day, the kids wanted to know the ending of the story. It was a great book we all really enjoyed it.

Added the George Washington picture to our timeline.

Let's Make Lots of Colors!

Doodle Bugs

Coloring her picture

Four Seasons a tree goes through

After reviewing the Four Seasons she colored her tree demonstrating each season the tree goes through.

Before going on a walk around Gillis Hill Farm we stopped for some homemade ice cream at the farm.

Walked around the farm and observed the animals

Feed some goats, observed the geese, and nature all around us.

As we walked we observed how the season is starting to change from summer to fall.
Didn't fill out our nature walk worksheet but have lots of memories and fun.

Watched some more of Liberty Kids to learn about George Washington

When did they get so big

Enjoyed going to the Children's Museum with our friends this week.

After the museum the kids enjoyed some ice cream.

Then we went to my parents and had some water fun.

Introducing my parents to the game "Wet Head"
This week we learned about George Washington, Four Seasons, more on how Jesus is the rock in our home, finished the story of Sarah Whitcher, and the song of Yankee Doodle. Great week of learning and now unto next week to see what's in store for us.