Wednesday, February 26, 2025

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 24

MFW:  RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 24

This week we will learn about Genghis Khan, Mongolians, China, Ming Dynasty, Marco Polo, Russia, Ivan the Great and Terrible, and Japan.  Also read about Russia, the Golden Horde, Africa, Europe, America, Mission, becoming a christian, and living with purpose.  


Few of the books we used this week.  


Proverbs 11:30

John 17:18

Acts 20:24

Matthew 28:19

1 John 5:10

1 Thessalonians 1:8

1 Peter 3:15 b

Colossians 3:11

Matthew 24 

Philippians 2:5-11

Luke 20-22

Mark 16:15

Psalm 67:2

John 3:16

Ephesians 5:15

2 Peter 3:17


Kids worked on reading, writing, spelling, Greek, Spanish, and reports.


Worked on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, skip counting, word problems, decimals, and conversation units. 


Learned how we were made for a mission, sharing our life message, balancing our life, becoming a world class christian, and living with purpose.  Read about Ancient Africa, America, Europe, thirty pieces of silver, give to Caesar, the widow's mite, the end of the age, the Lord's supper, Jesus' last days, and the Mongols devastate the East.  Also read about Marco Polo, China, Ivan the Great and Terrible, the forbidden city of the Ming, Kublai Khan the Tang Dynasty, and the Sung Dynasty.  



Read about Venus, rotation, revolution, finding Venus in the sky, spacecraft to Venus, radar, and the phases of Venus.  Studied the characteristics of Fungi, classification of Fungi, mold, fleshy fungus, vegetative structures, saprotrophs, microsporidians, chytridiomycota, ascomycota, pasteurization, basidiocarp, zygomycota, ascocarp, basidiomycota, and hallucinogen.  


Lesson #118: the Early Renaissance St. Luke

Lesson #119: Drawing Florentine Towers and Lesson #120: Designing a Tower.


S.T.E.M. class at the library: Marble Maze Run


This week we learned how we were made for a mission, sharing our life message, balancing our life, becoming a world class christian, and living with purpose.  Read about Ancient Africa, America, Europe, thirty pieces of silver, give to Caesar, the widow's mite, the end of the age, the Lord's supper, Jesus' last days, and the Mongols devastate the East.  Also read about Marco Polo, China, Ivan the Great and Terrible, the forbidden city of the Ming, Kublai Khan the Tang Dynasty, and the Sung Dynasty.  Read about Venus, rotation, revolution, finding Venus in the sky, spacecraft to Venus, radar, and the phases of Venus.  Studied the characteristics of Fungi, classification of Fungi, mold, fleshy fungus, vegetative structures, saprotrophs, microsporidians, chytridiomycota, ascomycota, pasteurization, basidiocarp, zygomycota, ascocarp, basidiomycota, and hallucinogen.  Lots of learning this week and fun, now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.


MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 2

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 3 

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 4

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 5

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 6

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 7

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 8

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 9

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 10

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 11

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 12

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 17 

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 18

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 19

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 20

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 21

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 22

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 23

Sunday, February 9, 2025

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 23

 MFW:  RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 23

This week we will learn about China, Japan, Australia, Peter Waldo, Waldensians, Yang Chien, Ming Dynasty, samurai, Japanese knights, Muslims, Japan's feudal system, diptych, and Mercury.  Also read about ancient India, understanding what God gave us, thinking like a servant of God, and the power of God.  


Few of the books we used this week.


Isaiah 24-42

Luke 18-20

Philippians 2:5

Psalm 111:2

1 Peter 4:10

Romans 12:5

2 Timothy 2:15

Hebrews 9:27

Mark 10:43

Matthew 7:16

Matthew 10:42

Numbers 14:24


Kids worked on reading, spelling, writing, Greek, and Spanish.


Worked on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals.  I don't understand why I don't have any pictures of D working on his math but he did.


Read about the cost of following Jesus, Jesus and the humble, Jesus enters Jerusalem, Peter Waldo, Bartimaeus, Jesus enters Jerusalem, Zaccheus, and Jesus at the temple.  Also read about the great dynasties of China, the Tang dynasty, the Sung dynasty, the Ming dynasty, and the Song dynasty.  Learned about the mongols rule China, Japaneses peiple and culture, the feudal system, Shinto, Buddhism, Noh, nobles, shoguns, and East of China.  


None this week.


Learned about Mercury, rotation and revolution, the planet closest to the Sun, craters, introduction to the Fungi, mycology, classification of protists, chromalveolata, excavata, plasmolysis, cytolysis, diatoms, dinoflagellates, alternation of generation, rhizaria, pseudopod, and archaeplastids. 


Lesson #122: Painting a Diptych


None this week, spent our time together at home, and forgot to take pictures.


Read about the cost of following Jesus, Jesus and the humble, Jesus enters Jerusalem, Peter Waldo, Bartimaeus, Jesus enters Jerusalem, Zaccheus, and Jesus at the temple.  Also read about the great dynasties of China, the Tang dynasty, the Sung dynasty, the Ming dynasty, and the Song dynasty.  Learned about the mongols rule China, Japaneses peiple and culture, the feudal system, Shinto, Buddhism, Noh, nobles, shoguns, and East of China.  Learned about Mercury, rotation and revolution, the planet closest to the Sun, craters, introduction to the Fungi, mycology, classification of protists, chromalveolata, excavata, plasmolysis, cytolysis, diatoms, dinoflagellates, alternation of generation, rhizaria, pseudopod, and archaeplastids. It was a different week for us since I had surgery over the weekend and was recovering, took it easier and we finished all our work, now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.  


MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 2

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 3 

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 4

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 5

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 6

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 7

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 8

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 9

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 10

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 11

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 12

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 17 

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 18

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 19

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 20

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 21

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 22