After taking two weeks off, enjoying our time with my parents while they were in town, it was nice to get back to our schedule. We really loved having my parents here and miss them a lot. The bad part of us moving here not being as close to them as before, really thankful we got to have that time with them. This week we will learn about our sense of sight: every detail of how our eyes work, the parts of our eye, and more. Also learn about the weather focusing more on lighting and thunder. Read more on the Germanic tribes, John that Baptist, Jesus being tempted, and Jesus' death and resurrection. Study what the bible said about what we need to do when we get or get a temper. Will work on drawing more straight lines, circles, and hands. D will also have his own store will we will buy items from him and he will add them up, great way for him to review his addition, and learn to count money (coins). In for a very fun week of learning.
MV: A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
~Proverbs 29:11
~Romans 12:1-2
~Luke 3:1-23a-38; 4:1-13; 4:14-44
~Romans 3:23; 5:8; 8:28
~Mark 15
~Matthew 27:57-60, 65-66
~John 16:20, 22; 19:28-30
John the Baptist and John is Baptised Bible Cards
A fool gives full vent to anger, but a wise person quietly holds it back.
~Proverbs 29:11
Stop your anger! Turn from your rage! Do not envy others-it only leads to harm.
~Psalm 37:8
And don't sin by letting anger gain control over you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil.
~Ephesians 4:26-27
We read about the Resurrection using our Resurrections Eggs I bought several years ago.
Latin words this week: FRATER, FRATIS (brother) and POPULUS (people).
Handwriting practice her memory verse.
Interjections and homonyms worksheets.

Prepositions and more homonyms worksheets.
Lots of reading and handwriting practice this week.
Prepositions and meaning of homonyms .
Working on the sound of ar and he's very proud of his car.
Working on reading and his sun for wor sound.
Wor worksheet, more reading, and lots of handwriting practice.
Ir word sound and working on his girl worksheet.
100 day chart (33-36), number of the day, weather, and calendar chart.
Dividing decimals and doing greater than and less than in her workbook.
Working on decimals
Review work for the week.
Counting by 2s and 5s worksheet.
Counting by 5s and 10s worksheets
Adding while using his small blocks.
Kelly Kangaroo and Leon Lion
Set up a miniature store for D in the living room. When they woke up the kids were excited to quickly play store.
Ready to start charging us for everything.
He really enjoyed playing store and giving us the receipts for payments.
None this week.
Learned about Bible Lands and located Israel on our map, also identified: Euphrates River, Tigris River, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Nile River, Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, and Dead Sea.
Read about The Hebrew Prophets, The Kingdom of Heaven, and A New Religion for Rome.
My Dear Tiberius, Hermann the German hero, and Farewell Augustus.
Read about Prepare the way, The Dove and The Devil, and Jesus at Nazareth.
While discussing how important our sight is, especially for searching for items, the kids looked for things in their LOOK books.
After discussing wind we did a "Will it blow Experiment", he had fun trying to make things move by blowing on it, this involved a lot of laughs.
Read about thunder and lighting.
Read about thunder and lighting and then enjoyed some delicious popcorn while watching a movie. D enjoyed listening to the popcorn popping and saying how it sounded like thunder.
Discussed static electricity and then rubbed a balloon on top of our heads to see how our hair would stand up, very fun activity.
After learning about tornadoes the kids made their own one with our little tornado toy, got this several years ago at a museum.
After learning all about the weather we made a weather mobile, which D wanted to hang in his room. He was very proud of his mobile. This cute idea came from Buggy and Buddy Blog.
Learned all about our eye, the parts of the eye, its functions, and importance of our sight.
Bought some edible eyes to place on top of cupcakes.
Red Velvet Cupcakes with frosting and edible eyes.
Colored her eye picture and learned all about the parts of our eye.
Blind Spot Experiment
Open and Close Experiment to demonstrate the ability of the eye pupil to change size.
Eye Sensory Rainbow Rice bin: placed several different eye balls and some pictures from the story of Goodnight Moon in the rice. The kids would search for the pictures while I read them the story. Got the idea for Goodnight Moon from Teachers Pay Teachers.
Found this crazy glasses at Dollar Tree, kids said we them since we were studying our sense of sight.
Got some eye rings for the kids, D quickly closed his eyes and said "I now can see my fingers".
Lesson 151: Hand Study
More abstract lines using lines and circles, K wanted to be involved in D's lesson, love when work together.

Lesson 152: More Hand Studies
Listened to the "The Best of Haydn": #11 I. Allegro, #12 II. Andante, and #13 III. Finale: Allegro.
Colored their worksheet while listening to the Best of Haydn.
Watched a short clip of "Eyes" on "The Mysteries of Life with Tim & Moby".
On YouTube we watched a few videos from "Scratch Garden" on skip counting.
Reviewing Merry Along
They have been improving so much, love their dedication to continue to learn.
Black Panther and Spiderman made several appearances at school this week, he said "Look guys my brain is popping out".
Below are several pictures from our find of a park we discovered while running errands. Love exploring new places with the kids, they really enjoyed exploring the whole park, their favorite part was the river that ran by the park.
After taking two weeks off, enjoying our time with my parents while they were in town, it was nice to get back to our schedule. We really loved having my parents here and miss them a lot. The bad part of us moving here not being as close to them as before, really thankful we got to have that time with them. This week we learned about our sense of sight: every detail of how our eyes work, the parts of our eye, and more. Also learned about the weather focusing more on lighting and thunder. Read more on the Germanic tribes, John that Baptist, Jesus being tempted, and Jesus' death and resurrection. Studied what the bible said about what we need to do when we get or get a temper. Worked on drawing more straight lines, circles, and hands. D will also have his own store will we will buy items from him and he will add them up, great way for him to review his addition, and learn to count money (coins). Had a very fun week of learning, now unto next week to see what adventures are in store us.
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 6
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 7
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 8