Thursday, May 30, 2019

MFW: CtG and Gods Creation Week 2

MFW: Creation to the Greek and God's Creation from A to Z Week 2

Our second week of school and the kids are still excited for school, I pray that doesn't change any time soon.  This week we will learn about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Noah.  In Science we will learn about light, absorbing and reflecting, sun, and energy.  Work on recognizing numbers, lots of math problems using 4 to 5 numbers at a time (23,456 for example).  Do several art projects and listen to Tchaikovsky and the stories of Vivaldi and Corelli.  It's going to be a great week of learning and activities.  


Few of the books we used this week.


Memory Verse: 
...Jesus ...said, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follow me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
~John 8:12

All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.  
~2 Timothy 3:16-17

~Psalm 119:105

~Genesis 1:14-19; 2:4-25; 3-4; 6:1-7:16; 7:17-8:17

~John 8:12; 12:35b; 12:46; 9:1,5-11;

~1 Corinthians 15:22

Adam & Eve and Adam & Eve leave garden

Noah, Noah builds an ark, Noah sends out birds, and the first rainbow.


This week we added Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, and Noah to our timeline.


Spelling and Language workbook, learning new words and practicing on breakdown and writing full sentences and paragraphs.

Spelling words 

Divided her spelling words (syllables, vcc cv, noun, and plural), looked up her words in the dictionary and read the meanings of each word.

This weeks new word is :SAUROS (Lizard).

Larry Boy decided to join us in school today.

Letter for the week is the letter Ss, lots of handwriting practice.

Handwriting practice in sand.

Found these worksheets on Pinterest, can't remember what site they are from.  Great add on for handwriting practice and letter recognition. 

Made a bin full of different letter Ss items, he always looks forward to these bins.  

Lots of hands on learning going on here.

Worked on his Ss worksheets and handwriting practice.

Cuisenaire Rods worksheets.


Filling in their 100 Chart

Lots of math problems with large numbers, for example:12,345.

Reviewing the ten thousand, thousand, hundred, tens, and ones place.

Connect the dots, addition, and handwriting practice.

Did some tracing and learned about how much a penny is, handwriting practice with the number one.

While D was working in his math workbook Larry Boy decided to check his work.


Not sure why the picture saved like this, quite strange.  After reading about Noah's ark and how big it was we used the string to measure her arm (from elbow to fingertip) "cubit".  I know the activity suggested to do an adult's arm but she learns best when she does things herself.   We cut the string 10 cubits long and talked about how many more we would need to complete 300 cubits.  Love the way the book "Dinosaurs of Eden" explains everything.  

This week we have started "The Tanglewoods' Secret", and have really enjoyed it so far.  I think we will finish the book before we are suppose to since the kids keep asking me to keep reading.  

K wrote a brief summary on Adam and Eve leaving the garden.

Drew a picture for Cain and Abel and then wrote a summary of the story.


Lesson 3 on Long Lines & Short Lines.

Lesson 4 on Ellipses 

Traced his Sun badge then cut the circle out and we taped it on the back door with the memory verse.

He painted a paper plate and stapled the orange and yellow paper on the plate to represent the sun.

S is for Stamps.


D wanted to learn more about the distance of the moon and sun and how they rotate the earth.  Printed this worksheet to show him how they rotate earth.

Rotation of the Sun Experiment

Shadow Tracing fun

It's been so hot here that just within the second day of the grapes being outside they started to look more like raisins.

Well it looks like our experiment got cut short, something took our grapes off the plate.  Guess we won't see the final product since this has been the 3rd time we tried this experiment.  Pretty sure it was the squirrels, hope they enjoyed all their treats.

Since Larry Boy our bearded dragon is shedding so much we took the opportunity to observe his shed under the microscope plus it goes with the letter S.  Always so neat to look at things up close with lots of details.

Kids picked out several items and placed them on a paper and set the paper on the table outside.  We went back several hours later to the imprints on the paper.  

Made a sun dial out of a paper plate, straw, and play-doh.  We went out about every hour to check and see where the sun was.  It was a really neat project to show how the sun can be used to tell time.  

Absorbing and Reflecting Light Experiment

Light and Energy Experiment

Worked on learning more the weather, it's been super hot this week.  We've actually hit a record heat index this week.  Haven't been able to enjoy the outdoors as much unless we go super early, before noon.  

Also working on learning the days of the week, names of the month, and the days of the month.  

Also use this to sing the song of the week.  D has really enjoyed this method of learning.


Listened to Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite (Russian Dance) and then read some bio on the composer.

Also listened to The Stories of Vivaldi and Corelli while completing our school work today.


Celebrated Memorial Day by taking the kids to Airborne and Special Operations Museum.  

Took the kids to Weymouth Woods for a class on Hummingbirds.

The Hummingbird Lady (which is what everyone calls her) demonstrated how she checks the birds growth and tracks the birds by their band around their foot.

Here she measured the bird and placed a band around its right leg.

The ones with the colorful chest are males and the ones without are females.  They also have a white on their heads in order for her to be able to identify the ones she's observed before.

The kids were thrilled they each got a chance to hold a hummingbird and feel the vibrations it makes while resting.  Such a great experience for them.

Got these great pictures from a photographer that was at the class.  I asked if he could email me the photos he took of D holding the hummingbird.  Of course he was very happy to send them to me.  So happy he got these great shots.

After the Hummingbird class we took a walk through the woods and tried to identify the different plants and trees we saw.  

Love being out in nature and seeing all of God's creations.

Finished our second week of school and have learned a lot this week. This week we will learned about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Noah.  In Science we will learned about light, absorbing and reflecting, sun, and energy.  Worked on recognizing numbers, lots of math problems using 4 to 5 numbers at a time (23,456 for example).  Did several art projects and listened to Tchaikovsky and the stories of Vivaldi and Corelli.  Ended our great week going to a nature park to learn about Hummingbirds.  Looking forward to see what's in store for us.  Until next time be blessed.



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