Thursday, January 1, 2015

Into our world

Welcome to our homeschool.  I'm going to show you the inside of where most of our learning take place.  Mind you that where we have school is in a multi purpose room.  It serves as our living room, play room, and school.  I baby-sit during the day (8 am-5 pm), so things can sometimes get hectic around here.  It definitely keeps things interesting.  

Storage area

Here we have all our supplies for school, arts & crafts, office, and some misseoulous stuff.  

Dry erase board on one side and a chalk board on the other side.  

One of the best things about the dry erase board is that it's magnetic.  Which is perfect for Leap Frog Letter Magnetics that little man loves to play with. 

Computer section and math section 

Here is where Kanani does her computer work like ABC mouse.  We are working on learning how to count to 100 and to recognize our numbers. 


In the first bin is some wooden blocks, second bin are two sound books and shapes & numbers cookie jar, and in the third bin contain an assortment of animals.  In between the bins are shape sorters.  The little enjoy pulling out the bins and playing with the toys.  

Toy bins 

Here is where the kids play the most.  There are a variety of toys which gets rotated out bi-weeklyz. The kids love to sit in the Elmo chair to look at books. 

Work stations 

I normally only keep two items on each self but I was in process of moving things around.  On the topic the shelf I normally only put things that person the subject of the week. We are also working on punctuation marks.  


Here is where we keep our buckets each having a different subject.  On top of the shelf is the experiment kit, globe, and the 4 Seasons trees.  


Our wonderful library!!  It also stores our blocks and our foam solar system.  


 Here's the kitchen area.  The only thing missing is the food chart that goes on the wall.  

Everything shelf 

We store our puzzles, games,and sensory bins.  On the wall is where she is learning to skip count & learn what amount each money is worth. 

Here's a little of our world.  Although there's nothing better than being outside in nature.  We love the great outdoors.

Till next time hope you enjoyed.  


  1. Love that everything has it's own place!

    1. Thank you Amy, it's so much easier when things are organized. Kanani does better when things have a place and purpose. You have inspired me with the Montessori information you have always given me. I use a lot of that in my lessons and every day life with the kids. Thank you it has been a blessing.
