Friday, August 9, 2024

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 2

MFW:  RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 2

School flow has been good so far, we got into the swing of things quite easily, which has made this school year start great.  This week we will learn about Julius Caesar, Cicero, Roman cities and homes, the Ides of March, Cleopatra and her son, Mark Antony, Gauls, Geese, and Black Vultures.  Also read about Haydn, the brain and its functions, Cain's wife, Noah's Ark, why there is suffering and death, and how the animals spread over the world.  


Few books we used this week.


Hebrews 11:1-4

1 Peter 3:15

Romans 5:12, 3:23, 8:22

1 Corinthians 15:45, 21-22

Hebrews 9:22

Acts 17:26

Genesis 2:7, 20, 3:20, 2:21-24, 4:1-25, 5:4-5

Matthew 19:4-6

Ephesians 5:31

Leviticus 18-20

Job 1-3, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-20

Psalm 70, 71, 72


Kids worked with reading, spelling, writing, comprehension, essay, parts of a essay, story writing, cursive, Spanish, and Latin.


Worked on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, number place, fractions, and square roots. 

Received K's new math curriculum.


Read about life in a Roman town, Julius Caesar, the republic comes to an end, Ides of March, Cicero, Cleopatra and her son, Caesar's adopted son, conspirators without a plan, Hayden, life in the Roman empire, Mark Anthony, and Octavian.  Also read about Cain's wife, Noah's Ark, the flood, sin, trouble in the garden, the world of the new testament, writing, why there is suffering and death, how animals spread across the world,  pyramids, and mummies.



Learned about our brain, nerves, how the brain works, sending messages, speedy cells, brainpower, nomenclature, philosophy of Science, the Scientific Method, energy flow, natural selection, and the food chain.

Experiment: Energy in Chemicals


Experiment: How our brain controls our movements.

Experiment: Maze brain power and brain control


Lesson #124 Perspective

Lesson #125 Foreground, Middle ground, Background 

K painted the galaxy and her name in Japanese.

Drew on a piece of wood a flower.

A couple of paintings I did this week.


This week we stayed home, no field trips, walked around the neighborhood several times this week, D wants to learn more about photography so he took several pics on our walks, and the kids got to enjoy the pool with their dad.

Hornet was very thirsty, neat to see it drink water, then he flew away.


This week we will read about life in a Roman town, Julius Caesar, the republic comes to an end, Ides of March, Cicero, Cleopatra and her son, Caesar's adopted son, conspirators without a plan, Hayden, life in the Roman empire, Mark Anthony, and Octavian.  Also read about Cain's wife, Noah's Ark, the flood, sin, trouble in the garden, the world of the new testament, writing, why there is suffering and death, how animals spread across the world,  pyramids, and mummies.  Learned about our brain, nerves, how the brain works, sending messages, speedy cells, brainpower, nomenclature, philosophy of Science, the Scientific Method, energy flow, natural selection, and the food chain.  Had a very busy week but finished strong, now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.



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