Saturday, April 18, 2015


I've been busy trying to rearrange things, you can say it's my OCD taking the better of me.  I'm glad I actually kept at it till I was finally happy with the results.  There's still some more work to be done but I'm liking the process.  


The two carts hold many different materials, each drawer labeled to make things easier.  It holds: chalk, clay, paint supplies, office supplies, writing utensils, pom poms, felt, beads, many different things for crafts.  Kids can go and pull out a bucket, which are also labeled, and do what's in the bucket.  One favorite bucket is the GEO BOARD, in the bucket there is also a folder that shows different things the kids can do with the board.  On top of the shelf holds two Betta's which are new to the family.  It's made K so happy to have fish again, love how responsible she has been in making sure they are fed every morning.  


Put the Easel/Dry Erase Board behind the door, mostly just to sit there.  Whenever K wants to use it she just slides it over to the multi-purpose room and uses it.  This easel has gotten so much use.  I love how even little D uses it in his own way.  He likes placing the magnets on the board and taking them off and writing on the chalkboard.  Next to the easel is the plastic container that holds everything for little D, like diapers wipes, bibs, etc.  


Moved the toys to where K's computer table used to be.  I like how open this area looks like now.  Then I placed a wooden table in the corner with a chair.  On the top of the table is a basket that holds some books that K has picked to read or look over.  On the bottom is a basket for little D's books.  As soon as I finished this section little man quickly sat down and grabbed a book from his basket and started looking through it.  


Little man got a sensory tub for his birthday, they have both loved it.  Love that we can use it for anything.  We can put water, pasta, rice, sand, etc.  We've used it a lot so far and I know we will continue to use it a lot more.  Moved her computer table to the corner which she actually likes.  I was worried as to whether or not she would like it there.  Next is the library, I moved the books there since K asked me to please move them closer to her table.  


Here we have different work stations: 3 buckets hold different activities that I let the kids choose from, 2nd shelf are some work stations which get changed every other week, 3rd shelf is the writing station, 4th shelf are some stations for little D to be able to do.  He likes to have his space since he loves copying his sister.  The bottom shelf holds all the blocks.  


I have set up a writing station for K, to get her into writing more.  So far it has grown her interest into writing more, which make this mom so happy.  In the tray I put a dry erase board and a chalk board.  In the small pink basket are some sandpaper letters (A-D) and in the small green basket are the writing utensils she would need: pencil, pen, chalk, and dry erase markers.  There's a composition book for her to practice her writings.  In the oval pink basket are the bananagrams tiles.  We use these to spell out her name, sight words, and family words.  In the box is sand with some paper that has some drawings of different lines for her to do in the sand.  We all use the sand to write letters out.  I interchange the sand with salt and shaving cream.  The shaving cream is always a lot of fun.

These are the changes I've made to the multi-purpose room, now to move on to the other rooms.  It's been fun changing things around and finding new ways to keep the kids interest in learning through their environment.  Still have a lot of work ahead of me but it definitely will be very rewarding when the work is completed.  

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