Thursday, April 30, 2015

Germany Unit

In our co-op each family chose a different country to do a presentation on.  We were pretty excited, or should I say I was exited.  I picked Germany because I have such awesome memories of when I lived there when I was younger.  My dad was in the Army and we were stationed there.  I loved that I was able to share all my memories and knowledge with K and our friends.  We shared our presentation with our great friends, they have a grandmother who is German.  It was so much fun learning new things and reliving some old moments while preparing the presentation.


Germany is one of Europe's largest nation, with one of the largest populations.  It has been a single, unified nation for less than 100 years.

Emblem: the Eagle 

Main regions are the Bavarian Alps, which from the boundaries with Austria and Switzerland.


The three main colors of the flag are black, red, and gold.


Originated in Bavaria, a region in Southern Germany.  The hat is part of the traditional Bavarian costume for men.


Up until 2007, German produced the most wind power of any country in the world.


Cuckoo Clock: The German Black Forest is the birthplace of the cuckoo clock.  Around the year 1640 by replicating a time piece brought back by a peddler.  

Schultute: which is the pink looking cylinder on the table, is a large cone filled with candy and school supplies.  Students get it when they start first grade.  

Christmas: it's a very big holiday in Germany.  Christmas trees, Advent calendars, and singing carols "O' Christmas Trees" originated in Germany. 

It was exiting to display everything we had learned about Germany.

Some of the items came from when I lived in Germany many years ago and the rest were from the kids grandmother who is German.

Our little group 


The food we brought as part of our presentation, top was like an apple strudel, and the bottom is chocolate.  
Some of the food that are common in Germany are bratwurst, sauerkraut, gummy bears, and Black forest cake.

There are so many interesting information about Germany.

Here's one of the great links I found for information on Germany:


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