This week we will work on memorizing the books Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1, 2, & 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. Will read about The Roman Empire and their bathhouses, family life, some of the games and toys they played with. Also will learn about Octavia wed Antony, Herod the King of the Jews, to Athens and Return, the Future Empress, the Siege of Jerusalem, and the turning point of Rome. Talk about the Five Senses especially on the sense of smell and all things flowers. Will start reading the book "Bronze Bow". D will work on short vowel sounds, practice on his reading and handwriting, and continue to work on his numbers.
Books of the week
Memory Verse: If you really want to become wise, you must begin by having respect for the Lord...
~Proverbs 9:10
~Titus 3:1-2
~Philemon 6
~Hebrews 11:1
~James 1:2-4
~1 Peter 3:9
~2 Peter 1:2-3
~1 John 4:12
~2 John 6
~3 John 4
~Jude 24-25
~Revelation 21:1
This is the bible and devotion we use for our studies and for everyday reading "Easy Reader Adventure Bible" with the kids. We love this bible and it makes it super easy for the kids to understand what we are reading.
Teach the wise and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more.
~Proverbs 9:9
So Jesus grew both in height and in wisdom, and he was loved by God and by all who knew him.
~Luke 2:52
As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life.
~2 Peter 1:3a
Latin words for this week: SEPTEM (seven) and OCTO (eight).
Learning about helping verbs, cursive handwriting, and Latin spelling.
Worked more on helping verbs, verbs, and some reading practice.
Linking verbs and reading her chapter book.
Lots of reading, spelling words, and handwriting practice.
Phoneme Segmentation cards review.

Learning about singular and plural words.
He is improving so much in his reading and reviewed his short vowels.
Weather, number of the day, and calendar chart.
Adding to their 100 chart.
Word problems and subtracting decimals.
Reviewing her Roman Numerals, subtracting decimals, and fraction work.
Counting review 1-10 and color by number.
Counting blocks and placing them in order by number and size.
He had fun building Bernie Bear and making his own creation.
Played the Guess my Number Game, he really enjoyed playing.
None this week.
Learned about Roman family life, the way they relax, and the game of knucklebones.
Made Knucklebone pieces and really liked playing the game.

Kids made their version of jewel-studded pig.
The Siege of Jerusalem, a turning point of the Law of Senate, ,and the love story ends.
Worked on learning the languages of the Bible and then he copied some of the Hebrew letters for Genesis 1:1.
Read more about how flowers grow, reviewed green bean plant life cycle, and observed the growth of our two beans from last week.
A picture of when we watched a seed grow in a jar a few week ago, did this ahead of time so we could observe it this week.
Made a model of the human face, she thought it was a bit creepy.
Went over the Five Senses with D using our lapbook.
Soaked 25 beans over night for this weeks experiment.
Wrapped our 25 beans in two soaked paper towels then wrapped them in aluminum foil. Each day we take 3 to 4 beans out and open them to observe what changes they have gone through.
Observing a few of the beans under a microscope.
Few pics of how the beans looked under a microscope.
Learned more about our sense of smell and taste, the kids smelled and tasted a bit of my French Vanilla coffee.
Poured some vanilla on two cotton balls and placed it in a jar, they smelled it and then walked around to see if the smell was still in their noses.

Collected some flowers to press to make a bookmark.
Lesson 128: High or Low Vantage Point
Kids made their own clay creations: Turtle & Flying Seal.
Practiced some relaxation skills to prep himself for drawing.
Lesson 129: People in Perspective
Got inspired this week to create some art for our wall. I actually liked how it came out and it went perfect on our art wall. Can't wait to keep adding the kids paintings to the wall.
Practicing a new song this week: Go and tell Aunt Nancy.
Learned more about our sense of smell by using our Brain Pop app.
When did they grow up.
One of the things the kids really like doing is feeding Larry Boy his superworms.
This week we worked on memorizing the books Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1, 2, & 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. Read about The Roman Empire and their bathhouses, family life, some of the games and toys they played with. Also learned about Octavia wed Antony, Herod the King of the Jews, to Athens and Return, the Future Empress, the Siege of Jerusalem, and the turning point of Rome. Talked about the Five Senses especially on the sense of smell and all thing flowers. We also started the book "Bronze Bow". D worked on short vowel sounds, practice on his reading and handwriting, and continued to work on his numbers.
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1