Friday, May 27, 2022

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Weeks 32-34

  MFW:  Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Weeks 32-34

I'll be combining weeks 32-34 since we'll be focusing on the same thing for these last weeks.  Lots of review work to prepare for the kids exams and finishing their art projects, state reports, and botany journals.  Finish the last few states with D: Montana, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii.  Also learn about Inventions-McCormick's Reaper, the sewing machine, and the telephone. Go bird watching, learn about sound, air, moving through air, parachute, flying, electricity, and computers.  Read about Barn Swallow, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Downy Woodpecker, the Wrights Brothers' Flying Machine, current president, White Breasted Nuthatch, Mourning Dove, Killdeer, and Barn Swallow.

Finished 6th and 2nd Grade, learned a lot, and had lots of fun in the process.


Some of the books we used this week.


Memory Verse: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

". . . I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End . . ."
Revelation 21:6

John 1:3-14

John 1:1-2

John 1:1-4

Ephesians 4:29

Luke 8:4-15

Matthew 3:16-4:11

Matthew 28:18-20

1 Corinthians 14:9-11

Revelation 22:13

Revelation 21:6

Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1-3

Revelations 21:1-4, 22:1-5, 12-21

Completed their posters of the Name of Jesus.

Language Arts 

Lots of reading, writing, review work, and spelling.  


Reviewed what we have worked on all year.


Added Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Wright Brothers, and Hawaii to our timeline.


Finished K's state report and the last few states with D: Montana, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii.  Also learn about Inventions-McCormick's Reaper, the sewing machine, and the telephone.  


K finished adding her botany pictures to her state report and D learned about sound, air, moving through air, parachute, flying, electricity, and computers.  Read about Barn Swallow, Downy Woodpecker, White Breasted Nuthatch, Mourning Dove, Killdeer, and Barn Swallow.

Static Electricity Experiment 

Paper Airplane Experiment 


D finished his art cards this week and K finished coloring all her pictures for her state and botany report/journal.


Listened to Patriotic Songs of the U.S.A.: #11 Armed Services Medley and listened to the rest of CD.

Field trip 

Went to many different places with our co-op group, love exploring new places with the kids, will make separate pages for the field trips too many to post here.  Below are pictures of the kids doing tie-dye with the co-op.  


Combined weeks 32-34 since we'll be focusing on the same thing for these last weeks.  Lots of review work to prepare for the kids exams and finishing their art projects, state reports, and botany journals.  Finished the last few states with D: Montana, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii.  Also learned about inventions-McCormick's Reaper, the sewing machine, and the telephone. Went bird watching, learn about sound, air, moving through air, parachute, flying, electricity, and computers.  Read about Barn Swallow, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Downy Woodpecker, the Wrights Brothers' Flying Machine, current president, White Breasted Nuthatch, Mourning Dove, Killdeer, and Barn Swallow. Super busy several weeks but are happy to have completed our school year.  We will be taking a few weeks to rest before the kids do their finals.   Now to enjoy our time together before moving on to our next adventure.


MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 3

 MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 4

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 5 

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 6

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 7

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 8

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 9

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 12

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 13

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 14

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 23

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 24

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 25

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 26

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 27

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 28

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 29

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 30

MFW: Exploration to 1850 and Adventures in U.S. History Week 31

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